Lighthouse: Prologue

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"So, this is it." Nadech breathlessly says as he leans back on his chair. He continues to stare at the beautiful lady in front of him, the beautiful lady who made his heart beat and the same beautiful lady who was about to shatter it in pieces as well. 

He looked at her, waiting---hoping for a response, but all she's been doing for the past minutes was just looking down. He wasn't sure if she can't look at him or if she just didn't want to. The minute he entered the restaurant---their favorite restaurant---he already had a heavy heart, it felt like he was carrying a million tons on his chest. 

He intentionally picked this restaurant hoping it would spark an inkling of her interest. It was small, yes, nothing fancy; but he was praying that the memories they've shared here would somehow knock on the door she'd already closed in her heart. But, at this point he didn't think it was working. Nothing he would do would work. 

It was time.

He didn't want to give up. He was never one to give up. But he understood that some things are just meant to be let go of, especially if it's for someone you deeply love. Someone you love more than yourself. 

"Ya." He utters, and for the first time in what seems like ages, she looks up. Her eyes meets his. He wasn't sure what was in her eyes, he was always certain of what her eyes told him but this time he couldn't decipher. It was the same big round doe orbs that made him feel warm inside, the same eyes that used to say a thousand 'I love yous' to him. And now all he sees in her eyes is a black hole, ready to suck him in to disappear. She'd already closed him off, whatever mind link they once had was now gone. 

"Is this what you really want?" He stares into her, trying to figure out what she was thinking. "Don't do this." He wanted to say, but he already said it a thousand times to her and all of it was unheard. So he decided to send her the internal message, but he was sure none of it was getting through. 

She couldn't keep eye contact consistently even for a few seconds. She'd look at him then down, then to the right, left then back at him. She was biting the insides of her cheeks, couldn't keep her lips quit quivering. Under the table she was gripping something so tightly, so tight like her life depended on it.

She finally gathers all her strength, and looks at him. Examines him. His eyes were puffy, hers were too, but it seemed like he put in more effort in his. He wore his usual white shirt, pants and flannel getup. His pants had tiny spots of paint, his hands rough from all the woodwork. He was fidgeting, his fingers tapping the white mantel clad table, his foot tapping on the floor. She knew it was stressing him out, and she thought she shouldn't prolong his agony any longer. 

"What about you?" She was able to croak out. He lets out a little smile that came along with the short breath he took. He runs his hand over his thick dark hair. She takes a glance at his dimples before it fades away with his smile. 

"It doesn't matter what I want." He looks at her intently. "What matters is what you want. So, is this really what you want to do?" He reiterates, staring at her, seemingly waiting for her response. All she could do was looked down and avoid eye contact. She couldn't bear the guilt to look at his pained expression when she says the three letter word. 

Before she could even say it, he chuckles---a pained one, in fact. He already knew what her answer was. She knew he already felt it. Actually, walking through the door was already a risk he had to take, knowing that there was nothing left for him. All he had was a pinch of hope that was now gone. 

She lifts her hand from under and sets something on the table, still covered by her palm. She slowly slides her hand towards his direction, the items following underneath. She lifts her hand up, revealing what little worth was hidden beneath. She watches him take them in his hands, examining it as he stares at it at eye level. The small diamond on the engagement ring emitting a small sparkle when it comes in contact with the light. He twists the plain gold wedding band with the hand that had a similar one on his finger. 

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