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I went with Jamal and Monse as Olivia and Ruby and Cesar went somewhere else.
We was in this girl house from soul train and Jamal asking questions like he's a police officer
"Really Jamal this gotdamn rollerworld?"
"It's real" he said in a whisper
"Me punching you is gonna be real"
"Same" Monse said.

As a few Minutes passed and the lady became nice. She was speaking to monse she was asking what was it like to date a Santo.
I was listening into the conversation and it made me think of spooky.

She was walking us out and she stopped monse and I couldn't hear everything but she said something among the lines of
She's gonna regret it if she doesn't go after the one she loves. I walked to Jamal and monse was behind.

this lady with two kids walked up and monse froze and I was confused and she looked back at the lady and she walked to us.

"What was that?" I said
"Nothing" she said to me
And we was walking.
Jamal started talking about roller world until we heard ruby and Olivia and Cesar screaming run.

Monse and Jamal said "Why" and i see an egg get thrown at Jamal then monse then me and we started running but i had on heels I was trying my best.
We finally safe somewhere.
And Cesar was texting on his phone "its handle"
He said I looked confused so did monse but some time passed and
Spooky rolls up
"Oh shit..." I said to myself and he gets up all in that guys face and he looked so fine in black and the white guy looked like he was about to cry.
I couldn't help it
I started laughing but i covered my mouth.
I knocked on Cesar door and spooky opens it.
"Hey. Is Cesar here?" I said
"Nah, he still at ruby's" he said.
I was gonna walk away but I said "Thank you"
He said "For?"
"Helping out" i said
He looks at me with a smirk
" buenas noches" he said and closed the door and I rolled my eyes playfully and i went to walk home.
"Wait!" I heard him yell
I turned around
"Lemme drive you home" I nod okay.
He walked me to my front door and i said "good night" and he grabbed my waist and kissed me. I was shook I felt a little weak and I started blushing and i went into the My house and i flopped on the bed
"holy shit" I smiled as I bite my lip.

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Once again this is a explicit
Content story😂

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