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I still couldn't believe that Oscar is in jail My mom decided to take Cesar in with us while he wasn't there. My mom of course didn't like the idea of me trying to get him out of jail cuz when you do the crime you gotta do the time some shit she said but it wasn't gonna stop me and she knew.

A week has passed and today was my doctors appointment and tomorrow i get to see him again.

I had a crazy dream yesterday about Oscar it was so strange and i couldn't shake it i got into the car with my mom and it was a silent ride until we got in the parking lot.


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"What if somethings really wrong with you?" She said "Well i guess were gonna find out" i said and she looked at me with a sad face and we got out the car and my mom hand to fill out this sheet first. The lady said that she'll call my name when it's time for me and we sat down.

"Hey, you okay?" My mom said "I'm fine, are you?" I said "No, I'm very sick myself I'm nervous for you" she said "well don't be" i said "Are you uh seeing Oscar tomorrow?" She said "of course what type of question even is that?" i said "after what he did to you why are you going back?" She said "Oscar wanted good intentions for me letting me go was good but i took it badly he didn't do anything" I said she didn't say anything "i don't understand why you bring him up if you don't like him?" i said "it's not that i dont like it's just- he's still in your life so he's still someone i need to watch over" she said i huffed.

The doctor came Into the waiting room and called are name and we got in there "Hello, I'm just gonna do the regular check up" she said and she checked my eyes,mouth ears, heart rate and all that stuff.

"Okay so what's the problem?" She said " I've been feeling sick I've threw up a couple of times I've been feeling dizzy and tired" i said "Have u threw up In the morning? Or anytime through out the day?" She said "One time in the morning the rest was like in the middle of the day" i said "okay okay" she said and writing something "Have you been sexually active?" She said "Like recently?..." I said "Yeah" she said "no" i said "when's the last time you had your period" she said "couple of months ago" i said "when's the last time you had sex?" She said "Never" my mom said "......Mom i had sex before" i said "you had sex?.. with who-" she stopped cuz she already knew "a couple of months ago" i said "okay, ima be back with some stuff i'll be right back" she said and left out

My mom looked over at me "you had sex with him?" she said "yea..." I said "Emani I thought i told you to at least wait until college years" she said "you told me alot of things" i said ".....I can't believe this" she said

The doctor came back and she put these things in her ears and put this other thing to my stomach and was listening for something and she was pressing on my stomach and she left back out and then came back in "Well I found out her problem and turns out she's pregnant!!" She said "What?" Me and my mom said at the same time "Congratulations" she said.

I'm pregnant.....WHAT!

"How far long is she?" She said "i can't  tell by the heart beat but I would make a appointment for y'all to get a ultrasound next week and she can tell you" she said and she walked out "Emani" my mom said "This can't be right, i mean it- can't ...be" i said "you wasn't using protection!?" She said ".....no" I said I mean it was good with out it so.....mistakes

"So what are you gonna do?" She said "Mom what do you mean what am i gonna do I'm not killing my child" i said "i didn't mean it like that...i mean like take care of it his or her's dad is in jail" she said "i don't know, i'll think of something" i said "Emani you don't even have a job" she said "why are you putting this on me?" I said "cuz your the one that did it" she said i was silent.

I went home with my mom and i went to Cesar "guess what" i said "your doing better?" He said "no. uh well i guess i mean i found out the problem" i said "what is it?" He said "I'm pregnant...." I said "are you joking?" He said "no I'm serious" i said ".....ima have a nephew or niece?" He sounded happy "yeah" i said and he just hugged me "this may be hard for you with everything going on you know-" i cut him off "i got it, I'm-I'm strong" i said he nodded his head.

I invited Veronica and Ashley over and we was talking about it "That Explains why you was acting they way you were" Ashley said "yeah, with the mood swings, sickness, tiredness, getting big, your boobs hurting when you hugged Ashley, and food cravings girl...... HOW DID WE MISS ALL THE SIGNS!" She said with a laugh "He's probably thinking I'm gonna come tomorrow just talking about bs but no little does he know he doesn't even know he's about to be a father" i said and they all hugged me


"Oscar!!" I ran and he hugged me and i hugged him back and i saw the security guard  smile and he hugged me tight tight tight and i did back, It felt so good to touch him again.

"I have news" i said "you found a way?.." He said "No uh...um well remember i was sick" i said "your not anymore" he said "well...turns out I'm pre-" he cut me off "Pregnant?......."

What yall think he gonna react to the news!! And yes my baby Emani is pregnant♥♥♥ I hope yall like this one!! 😥♥ and vote and thank you to all reads!!

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