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I was ready for my baby shower/gender reveal today and i couldn't wait to start picking out names and clothes.

I was in the store with my mom getting baby shower things and everyone was blowing up my phone for some reason about the shower.

"You stay home and me and Ashley is gonna decorate we want it to be a surprise" She said "...So ima have two surprises today" I laughed "okay fine"  i said

I went back home and Cesar stopped me "great...your here, look uh...um...you can't go in the back" he said "i thought..-" he laughed "just go to the park or the beach I don't know somewhere" he said "Finnneee oh my gosh" i was happy i couldn't stop smiling what was the gender!!

I was becoming impatient
Half an hour go pass and Sad eye's and Cesar came outta nowhere "hey" I said "wassup" sad eye's said "look you need to put this on" Cesar pulled out a blind fold "oh god, why?" Sad eyes just started putting it on me "let's go" he said and they put me in the car then took me back home and we got out the car I was struggling walking.

"E-emani walk slowly right here, over this way" Sad eye's said "Y'all are horrible at guiding people"
I said and Cesar laughed and i almost fell "oh shit, I'm sorry Mani i didn't see that" Cesar said "if I ever go blind i don't want none of y'all to take care of me" We all laughed i finally got my pregnant ass inside the house "Can i take it off?" I said "no, we gotta go to the back" Sad eye's said "Oh my gosh!!!" Cesar laughed

"E-emani walk slowly right here, over this way" Sad eye's said "Y'all are horrible at guiding people" I said and Cesar laughed and i almost fell "oh shit, I'm sorry Mani i didn't see that" Cesar said "if I ever go blind i don't want none of y'all ...

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They walked me to the back and i felt there hands let go of me "take it off" they both said and i took it off slowly and i gasped

They walked me to the back and i felt there hands let go of me "take it off" they both said and i took it off slowly and i gasped

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"SURPRISE!!" They all said and i was very shocked and i held my tears and i went to hug them

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"SURPRISE!!" They all said and i was very shocked and i held my tears and i went to hug them.

My mom, family i haven't seen in so long was there and so many family and friends we was playing games,laughing and catching up it was so beautiful.

We took many pictures A hour went pass I couldn't wait for long to find out what the hell was the baby gender.

It was a box that said he or she on it what the hell was the baby gender and i had to open it to find out.. everyone gathered around me and I was so nervous to open it and my mom was recording the whole thing everyone was waiting for me to open that box....

I slowly opened it as everyone counted down and I finally opened it all the way.......

I slowly opened it as everyone counted down and I finally opened it all the way

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"A GIRL!!!!"

Everyone cheered
And i covered my face and tears ran down my face and Ashley and Veronica and ruby and Cesar and my mom and sad eyes all hugged me i know a lot i couldn't wait to tell Oscar i was so happy.

We all celebrated

Finally the day come when I'm supposed to see him face to face and I hugged the shit outta him and he did the same back "damn, you getting big" he put his hands on my stomach and gasped "the baby kicked" he said "i felt it" i was smiling,he kissed my stomach "i found out the gender.." I said "really, well what is it??" He said "...It's a ...girl!" I said "wow...." A smile started growing on his face real big too and i hugged him again.

We let go "i dare a puto to do anything to hurt her" he said "oh god she's about to have a whole security guard"  We laughed
"She's gonna be beautiful"
"I got a name for her" he said
"What?" I said "....Omani" he smiled I loved it "Omani, you feel ya daddy hands"  we laughed

"Congrats" the same security guard that smiled said i looked at him "Aww, thank you" I smiled
"How is everything?" He said "there good, how about you?" I said "same ole thing" he said "....don't worry , you'll be out...soon" i said and we kissed and he was grabbing my butt and it felt so good to bad i couldn't have any.

I went back home feeling my stomach i was singing a song to Omani and thinkng about the future....

Vote, comment, Read♥♥♥ IT'S A GIRLLLL  💗💗💗😩 And her name is omani!!! Whew

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