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We was all in the mall for hours looking for dresses and cant none of us find a good looking dress I was about to give up and not look at all but we went into this one store and it was bunch of dresses. we went browsing around for dresses. I didn't wanna do to much for prom but it was my  first so I didn't wanna over dress or under dress. I was walking around and I saw this rose gold like dress and it was beautiful. "Oh my gosh yall look at this" they came over to me and they both loved it "I love it but to much glitter and glam for me I need something without anything on it" Veronica said. "Of course she does" Ashley said. I picked it up and went to go buy it, and Ashley went to look for a rose gold dress by the other dresses and it wasn't long before V found a dress with nothing on it. 

We went to get something to eat and chill at the mall we sat down at a table and Veronica looked at me "so how are you and Oscar?" She said "We're good its been a good little week with him" she laughed "i can tell you seem more happy" she said "yeah, more relieved I kept holding that shit in, feels good to have it out" i said and took a bite of my food "he's boyfriend material?" Ashley said "yeah, he cooked for me" I said "he know how to cook?" She said "yeah" "lucky....y'all both in a relationship I'm with nobody" Ashley said

"so how is ya relationship with uh Sad eyes?" I said "you mean my daddy, its great i love him he'll beat anyone ass for me and then he'll beat my ass....if ya know what i mean" V said "okay okay okay" i said "is it that good?" I said "yeah, what you scared to sleep with Oscar?" Veronica said, I sucked my teeth "Its not that I'm scared.......I'm terrified" i said
Veronica laughed

"Girl you'll be fine" She said "I don't know Oscar pretty big so maybe his dic-" Ashley said but Veronica cut her off "your not helping, look girl just go at ya pace and if he loves you he'll wait for you" she said i nodded. "Okay but on the real i need a boyfriend" Ashley said and me and Veronica laughed. We get all of are stuff and went home i get home and my mom is in the living room "hey sweetie what did you buy?"

i took out the dress and showed her "wow.....that's beautiful" she said and she smiled "my baby so grown up,...i don't know what I'm gonna do when you leave and be all on your own" she said "your gonna be proud and happy on how you did a amazing job to make sure i made it this far" i said and my mom was about to cry and so was i "mom please...." I said and she laughed and i wiped her tears.

"I'm about to go Veronica house" I said "okay, bye" she said "bye" I walked out and no i wasn't going to Veronica house I was going to Oscar house and I knocked on the door and sad eyes opened it "oh hey" i said "wassup" he said and he let me in "where is Oscar?" I said "right here baby" he said and he kissed me "where you been?" He said "shopping for my prom outfit" I said "can I see it?" He said "noooo, its gonna be a surprise okay" I said "ight" "fool im bout to go and see Veronica" Sad eyes said and Oscar nodded.

I layed up all on him and he put his arm around me and I eventually fell asleep on him and i woke up and he wasn't there at all in the house I texted him but he didn't answer me so I waited and 20 minutes pass still ain't no text i went back home it was dark and still ain't no text back, i started to panic.......

What y'all think happened?😭
Okay 18 coming next cuz I'm ready to surprise yall with 18,19,20 some crazy chapters.

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