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I didn't go back to that club in 2 weeks i know i was wasting money but it was better then being dead, i was getting bigger.

As I sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed my stomach i smiled I couldn't believe little Emani was in my stomach right now it still felt surreal.

I was doing pretty good all my appointments was good baby was healthy and i was happy.

I was walking making my way to Veronica house minding my business it's like seconds went by so fast and I felt someone just grab me but not in a i want to hug you type of way more like I'm taking you type of way.

I started screaming and they put there hand over my mouth and carried me off the street I was freaking the fuck out.

Finally after what seemed like forever i was in a house a blank room....

I just saw a bunch of Prophets and i was fearing for my life at this point "what do y'all want for me honestly?" I said someone sat on the couch and other stand around me.

This guy threw this bag of money on this coffee table "what is this" he said "money" like what the fuck else would it be.

"What kind of money" he said "I don't know" he looked like he didn't believe me "you know somethin" he said "swear i don't"
I said "Your the girlfriend of Spooky you gotta know something" he said looking me dead in my eyes "...know something?, i was in the hospital for half of our relationship not even half..MOST of the relationship cuz of what ya boy did!! So no i wasn't able to be near him for months!" I said angrily

"Then where this money pop up at then" he said "didn't I just say i didn't know i don't know anything" it got silent and someone grabbed me by my arm and took me to this room and lock the door....

I was in there for a whole 7 hours I haven't eaten nothing or had anything to drink NOTHING
i was taken naps and naps trying to forget all that was happening i wanted so badly for someone to tell Oscar i was missing or i was here he'll beat every single one of them that thought made me laugh but i started crying.

I missed him so much all I want is to be next to him able to hold him like when it first started i missed the days we had together like Christmas our first Christmas together.

I ended up crying myself to sleep it was the next morning i still haven't eaten and i was hungry me and the baby.

The door opened and i was having a contraction and it was hurting bad "what's wrong with You?" He said "ow" i didn't say anything but rubbed my stomach "...oh shit, your pregnant?" He said I shook my head yes "your not going into labor?..." He said "no, I got 4 more months to..go" i could barley talk it hurt so bad he left out and came back in with more food then he did last time and water.

"You need to use the bathroom?..., look i didn't know you was pregnant but I can try and help you out my if i let you out there gonna hurt me and i don't wanna see-" i cut him off "i understand I'm dating a gangleader" i said "yea..." He got up and left and i started to eat.

20 minutes he came back "do you need to use the bathroom?"  I shook my head yes he helped me up and walked me to the bathroom and I used the bathroom but i took my sweet sweet time I had to get back there tho it was dumb how there Keeping me here and i didn't do anything.

It was night time as my time was just being wasted off of nothing i had go see Oscar tomorrow i was hurt that i wasn't gonna be able to go.

That same guy came back and came into the room with me and shut the door i was confused.

He sat on the floor "i feel bad that there doing this to you... But if you really know something just-" i cut him off "i don't know anything..." I said "...where is Spooky?" He said "He's locked up, you didn't know?" I said "No, what happened" I looked down "i don't wanna speak on it" i said "...look ima try and get you out tonight okay?" He said "....okay" I said and he got up and left out he probably felt guilty which he should feel doing all this to someone who's pregnant you must be real dumb.

I was wondering what sad eyes was doing or my mom or my friends hours and hours passed he still haven't came back I kinda got scared i couldn't sleep i saw the sun come up and i knew in 4 hours i have to see Oscar every second was Killing me to be stuck here.

The guy came into the room after hours later "come on come on come on" he said he helped me up "i can go?" i said "yeah but look when you leave tell everyone you wasn't here okay" he said "...okay" i was about to leave but i stopped...

"...Thank you" i said to the guy and i left out and went home and my mom came and hugged me so hard "oh my gosh emani, i was worried sick about you" she said "...it's okay i was clearing my mind"  i said she hugged me tight i looked at the time "mom i need to see Oscar!" I said "okay okay...chill" she went to get her stuff and i got into the car and thought about what the hell is my reality.

We finally made are way there when i saw him all i could do was hug him so hard like never before i was hugging him for a long time he was tryna let go but i didn't let him.

"You okay?" He said "yeah" he just stared at me "...your not, what's wrong" he said gotdamn he knew me to well i couldn't hide anything from him but the fact that I'm selling drugs anyway "No I'm fine" i said "what is the matter" he said
"........the prophets kidnap me basically and one of the guys help me out but I wasn't supposed to tell anybody.... And please dont worry about me I'm fine as long as i didn't say anythimg, I'm fine me and Omani" i said "what..." He sounded mad "Oscar don't get mad here please, they'll keep you longer just chill" i whispered he just stared at me and I hugged him again.

Time was running out for me too see him "i love you" i said "I love you too...but Emani you need to protect yourself until I'm out okay?" He said "....okay i will" i said and i walked away damn agian my heart is broken haven to walk away again and again leaving him.....

Whew WE AT 2K???? WHATTTTTTTT OMG  THANK YOU ♥♥♥ so much I love everyone who reads and helps me out
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This was crazy!! But i hope you like it😂♥😩

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