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Leah walked her little ass over here "He's mines, so i don't know what your talking about, sayin he was all up on you girl bye it ain't nothin but a dream for you sis!" She said and Just the sight of her made me mad.

"Leah You wasn't even there, he doesn't like you! And neither do I. And you can have him! Ion want him anymore!" I Said

"Damn ese got hynas fightin over you" one of the Santos said.

"You know what don't talk to me anymore your nothin but trouble" i said and i walked off.

Oscar POV

"She got some fuckin nerve like you even wanted to her. Right Papi?" She touched all up on me

I pushed her off me
"Don't touch me leah, no it ain't true, why you have to bring your ass around here anyway!" I said

"Oh come on! What the fuck you see in her she's weak!, you can't possibly be picking her over me??" She said

"I am, take your ass home Ion wanna me around you!" I said

"You wasn't saying that we you was all up in my guts! You wanted me around but fine I'll leave! But you aint gettin none from me or her cuz your bald head ass can't make up your mind!" She said and walked off.

Emani POV

Why do I keep doing this to myself ugh I flopped on the bed and called my mom and all i wanted to do is speak to her.

I get a knock on my door and its Veronica. "I heard about what happened" she said

"How?" I said and sat on the couch
She came and sat next to me "cuz sad eyes told me" she said

"your cool with sad eyes?" I said
"Well, that guy......that ....was in my...house was sad eyes..." She said

"you had sex with sad eyes?!" I said "Yeah, he's my boyfriend now" she said.

"Wow that's-Thats crazy" I said
"Look, Spooky really doesn't like leah, you should've saw him let her down in front of everyone" she said

"I don't care I'm not falling for it again" i said I feel her arms come around me "remember when you told me everyone deserves a second chance......." She said

I looked at her "I mean come on at least give him another chance it seems like he really wants you, but realistically no one else can have you he claimed you and if anyone tried to get with you he'll probably break there hands so" she said and chuckled.

I sucked my teeth "why do I have to make it up to him he's the one that fucked up and he's a grown man he better own up to that shit" I said

"Spill the facts" she said
"But when he does give him a chance okay?" she said

I take a deep breath "fine, I will" i said.


get a knock on my door early that morning and i opened it, it was Oscar. "...Here to apologize" i said
"Somethin like that" he said i let him in.


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"I really don't want leah, If i did i would've claimed her and not you" he said "you didn't claim me number 1 and 2 No no i get it" i said "you still mad at me?" He said

I let out a sigh "we cant be a thing Oscar, first i don't like all the drama and second my mom wouldn't want us to even be a thing and i can't hide you from my mom" i said

"where even is your mom?" He said "she's out working" i said
"You got one more year until your 18 you do whatever you want, you do it now" he said

"Doesn't matter,You should know some parents won't be okay about there child dating a gang leader" I said

"Do you just look at me that way?" he said "No I don't i know its a deeper side of you, but you don't let me in" i said

"Cuz you make it seem as if you don't like me, its not all on me its on you too" he pointed at me.

"Okay yeah maybe that's kinda true, fine if you really wanna know." i said and rolled my eyes

"its true, i want you i want you all to myself" i said and i got up "i don't know what it is about you anyway"

i got closer to him "but if this gonna be a thing don't bring the drama my way, understand?" I said.

"I hear you nice and clear" he said and he got closer to me and pulled me into a kiss and I kissed him back.

And its official


I hope you guys like this chapter i know its a little short my bad😭 but pls vote and comment and read some more thank you♥♥

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