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I woke up and Oscar wasn't in bed anymore I walked out the room into the kitchen and he was cooking breakfast i couldn't help but smlie he tried to kiss me "oh babe, no my breath stinks" i said and we laughed and i went to go get ready I threw on a random shirt and washed up, brush my teeth, did my hair,makeup
i was in the bathroom for 2 hours and Oscar knocked on my door.

"You okay in there?" He said "hey, I'm on my way out" i said "you been in there for 2 hours" he said I opened the door "i had to get cute for you" i smiled and walked out to put my clothes up and I walked out and he smacked my booty i gasp and I turned around "you better watch yaself boy" i said and he smirked at me. I went into the kitchen to eat.


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He walked in "when you goin back home to your mother?" He said "never" I said "....you can't just leave on your mom, that's your mom be grateful she cares about you Emani" he said and sat down "grateful?, she judging you off what you look like. And as long as I'm dating you she's not letting me back in so if she wants to be around me again then she'll accept it." I said "I know you miss her...or you wouldn't have cried" he said
"Its gonna take time, ima let it take time give her time to think and all" I said "yeah" he said I got up and sat down on his lap "buuuuut while im here me and you can be together most of the time" I said and kissed him he put his hands on my butt "but...." I said "you gotta go" he said "yeah, sorry baby" I said and laughed and kissed bye.

I went to Veronica house and Ashley was there i walked in "hey" i said they screamed and hugged me "oh my gosh i missed you" Veronica said "you look so much better, I'm so happy" Ashley said
"Thank you girls" i said and we hugged each other tight and we got into Veronica bedroom ".....whats wrong?" Ashley said
"Nothing its not big" i said "stop acting and tell us" Veronica said
I sat down in the middle of them and i laid down "My mom caught me and Oscar kissing and she kicked me out and now im temporarily staying with him....and i don't know if I'm going back home anytime soon..." I said
Ashley gasp "what!?, awww baby I'm sorry" she said and laid down beside me and so did Veronica we're all looking at the ceiling

"we had a bunch of crazy times as long as we've been friends. And I can honestly say that this year as taking the cake of craziness, come on we're doing a lot of things we haven't done and we're going through problems that we don't know how to handle and at the end of the day after all of that...we still got each other...." Veronica said i turned my head to her and we all hugged each other again what Veronica said was right after everything we've been through these past six years together we are still together.

A few day passes and it's Christmas by this time me and my mom still haven't spoken I'm starting to worry she was never going to speak to me again. Me and Oscar had Christmas together he actually brought me presents. it was a nice Christmas but it was also my first Christmas without my mom even though she lived not too far from me. We had a good time the music playing in the background and the laughter it felt like me and him were a family even though my family didn't approve or should I say my mom.

now we're sitting on the couch and we're watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Oscar looked over to me and opened his mouth and I gave him a spoon full of ice cream and i take a bite of a donut

 Oscar looked over to me and opened his mouth and I gave him a spoon full of ice cream and i take a bite of a donut

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"I love this" i said "love what?" He said "this, just me and you watching movies and eating junk food together." I said and he laughed "anything with you I love" he said i smiled "ugh I hate this part, give me the remote" i said "nah" he said "Oscar, c'mon don't start This" I said "come get it" he said "oh my gosh" I said and I got up and I start trying to get the remote he kept putting it Higher and Higher and in different hands "give it" I laughed and he hands it to me finally and I skipped a part "your so fucking difficult" I laughed and turned around and he looking me in the eyes..."what" I said and he kisses me...

⚠So it's finally about to happen warning right here you can skip this part if you don't wanna read the sex shit😂⚠

The song that plays

And I kissed him back to the point where we are making out and it was longer then others. He took off his shirt and i was ready but very nervous we go back into kissing each other and he took off my shirt and we start kissing again while we're kissing he's taking off my bra and once he got it off and started sucking on my boobs and I started to moan lightly it actually felt good he picked me up and took me to his room in his room was dark but i lit a candle in there & it smelt like Christmas.

He put me on the bed and i he started to take off his belt and i started to get very sick to my stomach and I started shaking he came in between my legs and started kissing my neck and taking off his pants and he whispered in my ear "you okay?.." I shook my head yes and he took off my skirt and my panties and he never took his eye's off me and he went down and started to give me head and he held onto my thighs and started to lick my clit and I instantly started to become wet and it felt amazing he did it for about 8 minutes until i was very wet and he got up and he slide me down a little and i knew he was about put it in and I finally looked at his dick and i shouldn't of it got me even more nervous he was big I didnt know how he could hide all that.

He came in between my legs and and he put the tip in and I felt it and it hurts like a bitch and I was so tight it was taking time for him to get it all the way in but when he did i felt every inch of it and my heart started to race and he did one stroke and I gasp and grabbed hard onto sheets he was going slow but them strokes was powerful almost an hour passed and he interlocked his finger in between mines and I did the same back and I was holding on hard and he started to go fast but slowly and he came.

I been on birth control since I was 16 it was okay and I came at the same time he did it was powerful he started to kiss me and I kissed him back and we took a shower together and laid down together and he's kissing my back and i couldn't help but say it "I love you" i said and I turned around "i love you too" he said and we kissed again it was a different type of happiness a different type of love......

This chapter actually made my crybaby ass cry😩♥😭 thank you to all the reads I honestly appreciate y'all.

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