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Today it's Olivia's quinceanera and i was ready to go even tho i didn't talk to her that much. My mom drove me there and she left and she'll be back to pick me up.

 My mom drove me there and she left and she'll be back to pick me up

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I walked in and ruby is complaining about something I was to far to hear but when i got closer "Seriously!" He said and monse answered "what?"
"There's a typo in the program, their is supposed to be spelled with a e-r-e instead of a e-i-r only e-i-r shows possession" he said
"Really you think this is the time to grammar troll?" Monse said
"Jamal was supposed to double check it before it was printed" he said "added to the list. He's a loser" monse said "what happened?" I said "we was supposed to save Cesar and him and he's fake roller world obsession destroyed his life" she said.

"What do you mean?..." I said
Ruby changed the subject back "hey! I know your mad but try and temper your tude today and be cool when jamal gets here" he said
"He's not coming. And we're better for it" she said "what about Olivia, Cesar probably not gonna show either" he said "we don't know that" she said ruby looked around "he just killed someone" he said
"WHAT?" I said "Shh" ruby said "he killed latr-" Monse cut me off "we don't know for sure" she said "Monse...we know" he said. Jasmine came down the hall looking a hot ass mess and we all 3 backed up Jasmine ended up taking a brochure and leaving

Olivia leand in "have you seen Cesar?" We all 3 looked at each other "Not yet, but you know Cesar dude takes forever to primp bet he's on his way" Monse said and she walked away and ruby hit her " "bet he's on his way" why would you say that?" He said "so she wouldn't worry" monse said "but hes not coming, we should've showed her the typo" ruby said
"What's that gonna do?" Monse asked " distraction some people like taking their mind off what's big by sweating the small stuff" ruby said.

Ruby started fussing about the fonts and "we gotta tell Olivia" I said "I don't think she'll even noticed" ruby said "no! about Cesar she's needs to know he's not coming." Monse said and Cesar came out of no where "but he's already here" he said "give me some of those" he said and grabbed some of the brochure from monse and we all just stare at him. 

Her ceremony has beautiful and fun and ruby and monse and i walk up to Cesar "it was a nice ceremony" ruby said "yeah" Cesar said "you didn't kill him" Monse said "monse" i said "he's not dead but, he's gone" Cesar said "what does that mean?" Monse said Cesar explained what happend and in the middle of it ruby mom wanted to take a picture so we did "come on ruby help your dad come pack up the car" his mom said and left "i do need help....with your mother not the car" his dad said "give me a minute" ruby said and his dad Left. 

"If Latrelle ain't dead doesn't that leave you vulnerable?" Monse said
"Its handle, and we ever talk about it again, now its a Olivia's day , if i we're you i'll worry more about them dance steps" he said "oop" i said "ruby por favor" his mom came back "i'll see you guys back at the house" ruby said "yeah i'll come with" i followed him out.

We went back to the house ruby stressing over the fact that one of Olivia surprises was spoiled and we was getting ready to dance but! Olivia broke up with Cesar. So we was dancing in the back and it was honestly beautiful and i was dancing with someone randomly on the dance floor and i saw monse go up to this little girl to ask to dance with Cesar and she said no and i bust out laughing.

Monse and Olivia and i was having a girl talk and she was trying to fix Olivia's hair "i know it might seem like i don't know what I'm doing but...i don't what I'm doing" monse said and we laughed "i got it" i said and started to fix her hair "Cesar and I are just friends" monse said "are you trying to make me believe that or yourself?" She said "I'm not trying to do anything or start anything--" Olivia cut her off "but it already started before i got here, he's the guy from summer" she said "how do you know that" Monse said "cuz i know , just like I know how you don't know how to do hair or wear dresses, i know you monse and i love you" she said I smiled and i pulled all of us into a hug. Ruby came in "sorry i need her" he said and took Olivia and me and monse looked at each other

"you look so beautiful" i said "thanks, you too" she said "so, how does it feel?" I said "how does what feel?" She said "c'mon to have Cesar to yourself, I could tell he wasn't all that into her like he was into you" she  smiled "Really?" "Yeah" I nodded And we walked out to the dance floor. we was having fun i started to dance with ruby and everything changed in just a couple of seconds and  ruby yelled "CESARRR" and everything happend so fast but when Olivia moved to get out the way the bullet hit her and Latrelle shot 3 more times and it hit Ruby and me it was this sharp burning felling and i knew people was freaking out but i couldn't hear them.......

Whew!!! I hope you guys enjoyed and 500 reads!?!! Y'all!!! I love seeing it grow and knowing people are reading it makes me wanna keep going and i am!!! Thanks loves!♥♥♥♥😭

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