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Shawn went back home but he was gonna be back he just wanted things to clam down or i wanted things to clam down it's been a week he should be good. i went to school tired as fuck and i ended up not even going to all my classes i just couldn't I told my mom i was going home i just blamed it on being sick.

After school came and i was with Veronica and Ashley telling them everything that happened in this week "That's crazy, how he gonna get mad at you for what he did...y'all weren't together right?" Veronica said "No no of course we weren't i told you he broke up with me" i said "Sounds like he was jealous" Ashley said "why would he do something and tell me to do something but when i do he gets mad ... And it wasn't even mad it was like rage it was different" i said "Poor baby was breaking his own heart" Ashley said "Stupid" Veronica said "Your strong girl look, he doesn't matter you do okay? Remember that" Veronica said and i nodded.

I got back home and my mom was out on her computer "hey mom" i said and closed the door "hey sweetie. come here" she said and i walked to get and sat on the couch with her "yes?" I said "Which one you like better?" She said "..4th one" i said she was showing me houses "Why?" I said "Oh, I'm moving us" she said "...No no no no no no no" i said "Emani we can't be here anymore-" i cut her off "Mom please don't start this" i said "we gotta move-" she said "No!" i yelled "take that tone out your voice" she said "No I won't! I don't wanna leave! I don't wanna move! I'm not going with you If we do!" I started throwing a fit outta nowhere "Where you gonna go Emani!?, Oscar not with you anymore!..." She said and i gasped i know she didn't just say that.

Tears started to build in my eye's "He's not..." I said Weakly and started crying "I'm-I'm sorry baby i didn't mean to say that oh my gosh" she came over and hugged me tight "I'm sorry" she said "we've been through so much these pass years mani, I don't know what to do but move us and i-i can't sit here and watch u go through this alone it's not okay, number one you've been shot number two you had a break up with your first love insane, number 3 you're getting sick off of it and not only that you're harming yourself and you need therapy..." She said "Okay I'll go to therapy or to the doctor appointment whatever it is, Just please don't move me it's only going to make it worse if you move me....okay, I'm already going through so much why add to it?" I said she nodded and held me.

I went to sleep after i did all that crying and when I woke up it didn't feel the same it was more weird this time my mom was on the couch with Ashley and Veronica "What are you guys doing?" I said "Oh .. Uh your uh up?" Veronica said she looked worried "what's going on" i said they were watching the news and it said that A kid was Jumped by a gang brutally hurt he was gonna make it but the beating was bad, police have been sreaching for whoever did it they have 3 people already but not all.

"....was it sha-" she cut me off "it was" My mom said and i ran out the door and Veronica was following behind me and i ran all the way to Oscar house I started banging on his door and he opened "what is wrong?" he said "YOU JUMPED SHAWN!!" i screamed "shh" he said "NO DON'T TELL ME TO SHH YOU SHHH AND YOU LISTEN! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!???" I kept repeating myself and I stopped in between one of my Sentences when I saw the police.

"Shit" he said and I was confused few minutes later he came out his house and they handcuffed him and took him to jail and i started panicking "Is this...his 3rd strike?" i said "huh?" Veronica said i started panic even more "oh shit, oh shit, oh shit" I said i walked back home and talked it out with Veronica

"Yeah, the three-strike law Falls under the category of violence which is kidnapping murder,sexual abuse, rape, robbery and aggravated assault, he's probably going to get aggravated assault" she said "Oh no, is he- is he ever gonna get out or does that mean he stays in there?..." I said "No but he can stay in there for 25 years" she said "25YEARS!!!???" I yelled ".....he'll be 47" Veronica said "......i'll be 42, we'll be old!!!" I said "but he might not be in there for 25 years" she said

"I can't do this right now" i Said "listen he'll be fine" she said but no...

The next day

I went to the prison he was at to visit him and ask him question as crazy as it sounds. i had to go with my mom since i wasn't 18 yet I sat down where they have the telephone and stuff at I picked it up "hi.." I said he didn't say anything back "how long do you have in here i said" i said "4 years" he said "what's your bail?" I said "10,000" he said "........what happened Oscar why would you do that" I said "You really blaming me Mani?" He said "no I'm not I'm asking what happened" i said "he came at me first mani what did you want me to do baby him? It wasn't planned jumping they jumped in...." He said
I didn't know that

"He came at you-" he cut me off "yeah...you know I don't fight unless I have to" he said a tear fell down my eye's "I'm sorry Emani I never meant to cause all of this for you" he said "no your fine, but you really stepped low with that" I said "I did...." he said but we couldn't talk anymore after that time was up "bye" I said "bye" he said I was sad next week I get to actually touch him instead of talking through the phone booth thing.

I was gonna get him outta there one way or another....

So spooky is locked up how y'all FEEL? And lawd child thank you to the girl who comments you know who you are much love and i love you all please vote!!! I would love it and i hope you enjoyed this one♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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