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"Yea..." I said he didn't say anything "are you happy?" I said and getting a little worried "Yeah I'm happy, but Mani I'm in jail how am I gonna be able to see my baby when he or she is born?" He said "i'll make sure....some way you'll be out or something" i said "Emani that's impossible" he said "no it's not i got it okay?...trust me....please" i said and he nodded "okay, i trust you" he said and i smiled and i kissed him this time.

Few hours later of me thinking about what the hell am i gonna do to get this bail money for him i finally came up with an idea and i went to sad eyes house leah opened the door "hey" she said "can i speak to your brother" i said "sure...." She called his name and he came down "...Emani hey wassup" he said "come with me" i said "what-" he said but i cut me off "Just come" i said and grabbed his hand and went to my house.

"Emani i don't know what you on but-" i cut him off "I'm not on anything...i know this might sound crazy but I'm pregnant yes with Oscar's baby and you know he's in jail and i need money to bail him and i know you don't have the money but we can get the money" i said "Woah hold up , my homie rey be a dad?.... ha!" He laughs "I'm being serious right now" i said "okay sorry but can i feel your stomach?" He said but started feeling my stomach "damn you really are pregnant" he said "i just told you that" i said "how far long are you?" He said "i don't know yet" i said "wow" he sounded amazed "look, i need help" i said "i don't know how ima do that" he said

I took a deep breath "you can't tell Oscar if i tell you" i said "okay what is it?" He said "..........i want to help sell drugs-" he cut me off "Emani-" i cut him off "hear me out hear me out, look, i need it okay i need him out and we only have but so much months to get the money and i know places where people would die to have y'all drugs there rich white people who party so it should be easy" i said

"Emani Oscar would kill me if he found out" he said "that's why you don't tell him and neither do I" i said "Emani your fucking crazy, now I see why y'all was able to be together" he said and laughed "Im serious, stop laughin" i said "okay so if i do this ......i don't know even know what to say" he said "Just keep it lowkey don't even mention my name or anything or where you gonna put the money okay, I'm gonna get people to buy" i said "Emani this is so crazy u even sayin this" he said "but we're doing it" i said.

A week pass and I was at the ultrasound appointment and i laid down on the thing and my mom was looking at me "look at my baby" she said and smiled and I chuckled and the doctor comes in she came in and put this towel under my shirt and pants so she won't go to far up or down. Then she looks at my stomach "the gel might be a little cold I'm sorry if it is" she said "No your fine" i said and i looked up to see what it looked like on the screen and she was showing me where the head was at and thing like that and it was so weird that the baby is inside me right now.

"It looks like your 2 months and 3 weeks you got 1 more week until you become 3 months" she said and she finished up and came back.

"Okay so mind if i ask some questions?" she said "sure" i said "have you been like drinking, smoking, stress, eating badly, have a disorder of any kind?" she said "I've been a little stress" i said "...okay see at 2 months your able to see your baby a little better but your stressing It's kinda delaying your baby from growing, I'm suggesting whatever the stress is about it'll be good to get away from or therapy or you can take yoga to try and relax the mind"she said "okay" i said "great, here's a picture of your baby" she smiled and walked out.

I started crying a little "aw baby, your fine, it's gonna be okay stop stressing you gonna stress yourself about that." she said "Can i see the picture" she said and i gave it to her "wow...." she said and i got up and i started getting my stuff together i was ready to show Oscar the picture but i needed to stop stressing over him and i and the whole jail thing once again it was really gonna be fine.

3 days pass and i was gonna be able to see him again but over the phone shit again and i sat down just happy to see him "i brought something" i said "what is it?" He said i showed him the picture "That's our baby" i said and he started smiling and i saw tears come out his eye's "You got me up here crying like a bitch" he said and wiped his eyes "It's human emotions get use to it" I said "That's crazy" he said "I know right" I chuckled and we looked at each other through the window "I love you" he said ".....I love you too" I said

Awwww♥♥♥ even tho this was cute lets not forget the fact she wanna help sell drugs😂😂 i hope you guys liked it and pls vote and comment and i love the reads still can't believe I'm that far!♥♥

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