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1 week later Me and my mom was putting up the Christmas tree and listening to music old school and Christmas songs.

I loved it, my mom swipe her hand across her forehead

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I loved it, my mom swipe her hand across her forehead. "Whew ima go sleep, this been a long day" she laughed and got up "okay, good night" I said with a smlie. There's a knock on the door and it was my cousin I hugged her so hard "oh my gosh! What are doing here" I said " I had to come and see you, ugh my gosh you've gotten big, here I gave you a present" she said and gave me a tiny little box I put it under the tree and got her settled in.

"I heard about the shooting accident" she said I put my head down "yeah..." I said "what the hell happened? , like how you get caught in that?" She said "i don't know Nia"

" I said "what the hell happened? , like how you get caught in that?" She said "i don't know Nia"

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"Your lyin, i can tell when your lying its okay to tell me..." She said
"I just told you...i don't know" i said and looked her in her eyes
She stopped moving and just looked at me "when your ready I'm here" she smiled and put her hand on my shoulder and slid it off and picked up a glass and poured water in it and started drinking it "so how you like it out here" she said "Its cool, i mean I guess.. don't Really have a feeling" I Said "I see, this could be a good Place you just in the wrong spot" she said "ain't no right spot, My mom is really trying to move but i don't want to leave" i said quickly "after all that u don't wanna leave?"she said confused "its things here i love" i was talking about Oscar "what about yourself?..." She said "i take care of myself when im with those things I love" i said "but you got shot..." She said "on accident" I said she didn't say anything.

I left out to go visit Oscar and it was a bunch of cholo's and Cholas outside and i saw him walk inside so i said hi to a few people and I walked in the house."hey baby" i said and I went to kiss him he didn't kiss me back I straight knew he was mad about something "what's wrong" i said he came across me and sat down without saying anything. I knew it wasn't me I just went into the kitchen cuz it was getting awkward i started to drink juice and I came back out and sat down next to him "you can open up to me..." I said he looked at me and i smiled a little "Its nothing it was Cesar..." He said "what he do?" I said "came by, trying to win me over, just brought me back to what he did" he said ".....you kicked him out?" I said he nodded "where is he supposed to live?..." I said "that's for him to figure out"  he said I didn't say anything because....what do you say.

we hung out for a bit and some girl came up to him and started to talk she looked so much like Olivia and it brought me back to that night and everything was playing in my head and I started to breath heavy and I got up off the couch and I ran out the door."Emani!?" He called my name but I kept on walking and I eventually started running and by ruby's house i saw all her stuff and pictures and ruby and Cesar was out there. I walked up to them and Cesar had tears in his eye "I'm sorry to Emani...." His voice broke "no no no, you did the right thing...it's okay I'm not mad at you" I said my voice was kinda shaking and monse and jamal came out and somehow we was all in a group hug just a ball of sadness we went up to the sidewalk and looked at it.

I went to go and walk back home and I get to my porch and I heard my name being called and Oscar walks up to me and just kisses me and i kissed him back as tears fell out my eye's and my front door opens "Em-" my mom couldn't finish her sentence "Wow...I see why now" Nia said and i stopped kissing him i felt like i wanted to disappear out this Situation my mom grabbed me by my hand she told Oscar to leave and she pulled me into the house and slammed the door.

"Mom-" she cut me off "UH UH don't you mom me! What the hell is that about?? Huh?? , who is that? and why are you kissing him???" She said "...He's my boyfriend" I said lowly "not anymore he's not!" She said "mom-" i tried to say something again "I don't even wanna hear it!! You will not speak to him again! Do you understand?" She said i started to cry a little"IS-IS HE THE REASON YOU ALMOST DIED??, I KNOW YOU HEAR ME" she said I didn't answer I was too embarrassed "Emani if you don't answer my questions!" She said "no he's not the reason and no I won't stop talking to him!" I shouted back "Yes you will! He's no good for you have you lost your mind!?"  She said "mom I love him" I said with a sad voice "no! I don't approve of it" she said "you can't pick and choose who I date" I said

"So your not gonna stop seeing him...." She said "no" I said "then get out" she said "what?..." me and Nia said at the same time "i think-" Nia started to speak but my mom cut her off "get out! I try to save you from all this I told you many times about guys like him and to walk right into that...you don't wanna listen to me you can go" she said "....fine!" I said and I packed up my clothes and shoes and accessories and I walked out and she slammed the door.

I walked to Oscar house everyone was gone by time I got there I knocked on his door and he opened it and I fell into his arms and cried in them and he put all my stuff in his house and shut the door and I laid on his bed crying and he held me until I fell asleep on him........

We close to 800 reads I'm so excited!!!!😍😍😍 CHAPTER IS CRAZY HOPE YALL LIKE IT and 19 is doing so well😭♥😩

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