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Authors note
Thank you for reading this chapter.

“I just thought it was fine leaving you with her in the elevator. I felt it deep within my bones that you guys would connect and finally talk to each other but that was not the case. I am sorry you got hurt in the process. When the elevator crushed, I was so tensed and I thought maybe you would die because you never talked toll we got to the hospital. As for the girl, since you held her hand, she did not sustain any injury as she was laid in your chest after the crash, “He said.

“I am okay now and if I saved her then she has to thank me,” I told him arching my lips upwards.

“You should ask her out before it’s too late,” He said looking at me keenly to get to hear of my opinion on that.

“Not when I might be dating someone else, I don’t know if we are actually dating. I mean it is complicated.” I started opening up to him.

“That was fast, a girl from school?” He asked with a grin.

“Yea, a popular girl for that matter,” I told him and his face lightened up.

“If she loves you more than you love her that is a good relationship that will last for long. Keep her,” He said with a small smile.

Robb has two children with his ex-wife Aurora. Luna and Skye are adorable kids but unfortunately, they live with their mother in Paris which is miles away from our town. She had a full custody over them and therefore Robb has to see them twice annually. I wish he knew this could happen and cease to do what he had been doing but no one sees the bad picture when they are addicted to alcohol.

They were high school sweethearts who ended up getting married. Since Robb had adopted the behavior of parting and drinking with his friends in parties, he could not stop when they were newly married.

You all know how excess alcohol can do to a person’s way of thinking. He used to come home late and smelling other women’s cheap perfume and that was very clear to Aurora that his husband as seeing other people. She used to keep to herself most of the times but it got out of hand when Robb stayed for weeks without coming home. She needed her conjugal rights as well and that is why she accepted him back with the white lies he had cooked to defend himself.

Robb changed for a few days till Aurora delivered and it was during that time that Aurora got to know that she was HIV/AIDs positive and if that is not enough, her child Skye had acquired it too through her. She cried over the issue but it was unchangeable. She went to counselling for months and after he found herself, she left and never come back.

After losing her wife and their two kids, Robb started going to Faith rehabilitation center sessions to cure himself from the addiction that had overwhelmed him like darkness straight from hell. He was happy to stay sober and he did it for the good of everyone he cared about even if it was too late.

He knew he would never reunite with his family, especially Aurora who hated him each time she took the medicine to help her survive the deadly virus.

They had tied a knot in a colorful wedding by exchanging vows and giving each other rings to symbolize the occasion. 

“In sickness and in health,” They say.

Something deep within me tells me that they would get back together at some point but I don’t know when but all I can say is that true love doesn’t give up on each other, it lasts forever.

“What are you thinking about,” He scoffed and I had to stop thinking of his past.

“I will keep her,” I told him and he looked at me thoughtfully before he spoke up.

“What of the girl in the golden wheel chair whom you held and ensured that she was okay even if it meant losing your life,”

What Robb said really confused me and I left there thinking about it. I was lucky when Clay, Becky and Katie walked in, Becky holding a bouquet of white fresh roses. 

“Get well soon man, it is a shame seeing you this way yet you are as strong as fuck,” Clay joked and we all laughed enjoying the moment.

We continued talking about everything that come to our mind and I felt happy being around the people I loved. I wanted to ask where the hell Kendra was but I did not want them to think that we were having issues already. I would figure this out on my own.

After they left (after staying with me for almost three hours) the nurse come with the discharge documents which I signed happily. I was finally leaving the place I hated most in this world.

Robb drove me off and I pretended to fall asleep the entire drive so that he would not pester me about the girl in the golden wheelchair. As soon as we parked, my mother was already waiting and she was sure to invite Robb for dinner. Of course he would not turn it down.

I got to my room and that is when it dawned to me that I did not have my phone. Maybe it crashed in the elevator and broke to a thousand pieces. When I was addicted to alcohol, I was not addicted to anything other than it not to mention my phone.

I removed my shirt and threw it on my bed. I wanted to get rid of that stinking hospital smell in my body so I prepared myself warm bath. The bath helped in calming my nerves and relaxing my body and I dressed up feeling like a whole new person.

I was doing this for Robb. If it were not for him, I would just grab a snack from the fridge and have it before going to bed.

Before could leave my room, I noticed a brown envelope on my bedside table and it was addressed to my parents. I wanted to trash it but the handwriting was familiar and I had to find out what the letter was all about.

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