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“So, what did you learn today?” I asked her when she joined me in the car.

I had spent the past one hour hanging out with my best friend Clay as I waited for her. Love is patient, right? Clay is such a good person to hang out with. In a jiffy, I had forgotten why Kendra was stressing me because we were too engrossed playing FIFA.

She actually finished being taught with that moron who pretended to want the best for her and that is when she asked me to live. Otherwise, I was thinking of sleeping over at my best friends place.

“He is really a good tutor, as a matter of fact, I have started to find algebra to be easy,” She said with a smile as I reversed out of the Brown’s parking.

“Humph!” I said taking the narrow road from their house.

“So where are we heading too?” She asked while her eyes were very focused on the road.

“I thought we had plans, or the whole algebra thing has messed up your mind,” I raised my voice at her because clearly she was pissing me off.

“I swear I had forgotten all about that,” She said laughing and it really got to my nerves. Why doesn’t she see that I am unhappy about the issue?

“Your tutor huh! He drains your mind and you can hardly think of what you and your boyfriend planned,” I hissed and that is when it dawned her that I had fumed.

“Stop being so basic,” She screamed at me and I had to park the car at the side of the road.

“If you don’t want to hang out with me just say for fuck sake so that I can look for an option,” I said without thinking.

“Now you want to have options?” She asked with a dark voice that lithered her tone.
“I never meant it like that,” I said throwing my hands in the air.

“That is what you aid,” She said and her voice had started becoming shaky.

“We are hardly one month old and this is happening?” She asked and this really got to me.

How did we get here?

“I just don’t want Mr. Brown to tutor you, please pick someone else,” I said it deep from my heart.

“You could just say that before you started talking of options. I don’t want a guy who thinks I am a joke or something,” She said and started getting her bag.

“Please don’t go, let us talk over this issue,” I begged her desperately.

“Maybe some other time,” She said before getting out of the car and closing the door firmly behind her.


I was pissed at myself for starting the whole thing ip. Maybe she was just a good girl who could tell Mr. Brown straight on his face that she wanted nothing to do with him but I had underestimated her.

I stayed there for thirty minutes hoping she would come back to me but she didn’t. Anyway how could she come to the same man who had pissed her off a great deal?

In each passing moment, I felt my heart sinking. I felt a lot of pain in my heart that spread all over my body making me wish for physical pain. I swear there can be no pain compared to a heart break. Have you ever had pain in your heart but your eyes cannot cry to let the pain go. All you can do is to wish for dead since it feels you are being drowned in a lake of sadness?

I had to man up and be there for myself in this crucial time. I told myself it was going to be okay and that she was not coming back. Even though it felt bad, just the thought of her living me on my own, I decided to drive away.

She found me when I was full of life so without her life would still go on.

I parked at the Westgate Mall parking and took a deep breath before walking out of the car. I had kept the things she had done, whatever, our little fight behind me.

I played with my keys as I made my way to the main entrance. The spa shop was open and I promised myself that I would treat Arch once o was done purchasing a new phone. I had decided to but the latest phone in the market, I phone X it is. We were not badly off, we had cash but not alot compared to my friends'.

I almost passed it but my eyes were drowned to it like a moth to a flame. 

I saw my favourite liquors on display and I stood there staring and wishing that I would at least taste it.

Grants, Captain Morgan!

I thought of Robb but then I told myself that I had a reason to drink. For fuck sake, my girlfriend had disappointed me.

I took a step forward to the main entrance after I had completely made up my mind. I couldn't imagine I was the same person who used to think that alcohol is so bitter. Now, or let us say sometime back, I come to learn that the sweetness of the alcohol is not what it makes you do alone. The bigger picture is that, the bitterness is the sweetness.(I don't know if you get it but it is true)

I opened the door and before I could step inside, I heard someone calling me with a farmiliar voice.


I turned to see Elena Avolor waving frantically. I forgot the whole liquor thing and walked towards her. I crouched and kissed her slightly on her forehead and this time a strange thing happened.

She did not complain.

She was all alone and I took over wheeling her around.

"What are you doing here?"She asked enthusiastically as I took her to the make up shop.

"Same thing as you, shopping,"I told her wheeling her carefully and slowly.

"Just say buying some liquor, I won't judge you,"She said and I was taken aback.

Of course she saw me!

"Let's not talk about liquor,"I said as she looked through a shelf of highlighters.

Author's note
Special announcement.

This book is being considered for a nice contract with dreame. Please keep your fingers crossed just like the way I have done.

I hope it gets approved.

Thank you to everyone who is reading.

Please pray for me and keep sharing the book.

I appreciate all the comments and the votes.

Love, love , love.

Sending all the love


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