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Author's special note.
Thank you for following this story regardless of its constant typos. I will try editing further and if you want to help me out please do.

I wanted to inform you that I am starting another book tomorrow. Title is BLOWN PETAL. The authors note is already in my profile.

Thank you really , esp Stephanie and those readers who psyche for the next chapter.

I love you alot.

Okay, back to Archie.


8:11 am
I woke up feeling all sweaty and the first thing I noted was that the volume of the fucking song was too loud for my ears making me to feel irritated.

I dragged myself out of the bed muttering curse words and turned off the stereo from playing that love song. I was officially a sucker for love. She made me fall in love with her but at this moment she has left me high and dry.With no one to lean on.

I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth hoping I would feel better about the same. Breakups are the worst pain one can have. The taste of bile behind your throat and the feeling of your stomach curving in was not ideal.

I finished brushing my teeth and walked back to my room.insteadof figuring out the events of the day, I threw myself to my bed and stared at the white ceiling board as if I was seeing it for the first time.

After a while, I forced myself to sleep so as to ignore the urge of touching my phone and checking if she replied the text or not but I could not sleep. What is more, I took out my phone and faced my fear.

I unlocked it and saw nothing in the notification button. I felt a pang of sadness and pain swapping through my body. Why do this to me Kendra. I sighed heavily and walked to the small seat just below my vast window. I looked through it and all I could see are the neighbours little children, probably in grade three playing out in the sun.

I thought of sending her a morning text but I soon chose to discard the idea. She did not deserve my attention leave alone my text. I don’t get it how my ego allows me to beg for her attention. I am so egoistic by the way. That is the reason why I can’t fix anything with my parents. I will live to prove them that they were wrong choosing my brothers side over my side.

I pressed my data button and all the Instagram notification started popping. I wanted to stalk my best celebrity Shawn Mendez but I just got myself in her page.

Watch I_am_Kendra live video from seven hours ago.

How could I ignore that?

I saw her with Beth and surprisingly, Clay and Katie were amongst them. Dear Lord, did they patch up things without letting me know? They were clubbing without me! Even Clay was capable of doing that to me? I thought we were brothers. 

Pssh! Suckers!

They had betrayed me and it really made me feel bad if not worse. I had to confront the issue and know their places in my life. I cannot keep on dealing with fake friends. It was really a high time to do so.

I watched their live video none the less. Apart from them taking shots together and having fun, Kendra told her Instagram followers that she had officially broken up with me because I cheated on her. She continued insulting Elena by saying that she was too pretty and straight (She means she is not crippled or anything) to compete with her for me. She said that she will reveal her new date as soon as possible so the best thing they can do right now is to follow her and keep liking her pictures.

I checked our pictures in her posts but they were deleted already. I wish you could know the pain I was going through. Being heartbroken by your best friend and your girlfriend is not a joke.

I was going to fix my relationship with Clay because I knew he had a reason of doing that to me. I hated Kendra and still loved her all the same. Small steps at a time. Hoes before bros.

I took a quick shower and wore grey sweatpants and a white shirt. I wore sandals because it was a fucking weekend. I borrowed my mum’s keys since they waited for the perfect time to buy me my own car. I had problems with my driving license and my alcoholism was at its peak few months ago.

I drove fast enough and parked just outside the Brown's mansion. I walked through the gate and since the security man knew me, I did not have a hard time. 

I took a look at their balcony and saw two people holding hands. I could not tell whom they were so I took my hand and placed it on my temple to focus and get a clear image of whom they were.

They had already left by then so that was a chance I had wasted. It really messed my brain since I could not stop being curious over the same. Did Katie remain dating Clay or was Beth the one who chose to forgive Clay after learning the while truth from her best friend Kendra.

I pressed the door bell and took a step back as I waited for someone to get it.
The glass door could not lie to me even if I could not believe it myself. I wanted to leave but I couldn’t since I was already at there. As far as we want people to be honest with us, there are some truth we should never find out because our perception of some aspects of life will change completely.

Kendra opened the door and stood right in front of me waiting for me to say what I wanted to say. Her nightdress did not have something underneath. She was nude at my best friend’s house.

Why did I get involved with this bitch in the first place?

“Get out of my way you cheap whore!” I hissed in furry.

She remained standing by the door and I literally pushed her on my way in. She was too steady and that saved her from falling on the perfectly polished tiled floor.

“Clay!” I screamed his name as I paced around the living room.

“Clay is not around, ilI am the one in charge now. Please leave,” Mr. Brown ordered as he walked down the stairs with a piece of a small white towel around his waist that hardly touched his knees. His well build hairy legs protruded from beneath.

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