chapter 30

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I drove out of the Browns compound at a terrific speed. I did not care if I got hurt in the process, all I knew was that I needed the pain to go away. By God’s grace, I reached our place and parked the car.

I sat inside there numb, for hours. I just felt like the whole world has just crushed in front of me. My girlfriend cheated with the father of my best friend who was our principle. Fighting him was going to be impossible and that is equivalent to a horse passing through the eye of a needle.

I finally picked up myself and dragged the broken me to the living room. It was on a Saturday and my dad and mom went to a community group meeting. Therefore, I was home all alone.

I was a little bit hungry so I went to the fridge to get myself something. I took a bite of an apple and walked upstairs.

I dropped myself to my bed and just thought of the better way to hurt the girl I referred to as my girlfriend and I could not fathom any. So I just stayed still. Not thinking.

My hopeless self was almost dying of stress when I heard my phone ringing. 

Who the hell is that? I don’t even have friends.

“Hello,” I spoke first after receiving the new number call.

“Hi, Mr. Johns, I am Elena’s nanny. She needs someone to be with her in her daily therapy. Please come over,” She sounded desperate as fuck and that got me to my senses.

I locked the house and drove to their place fast enough because it was an emergency. She was the only friend I had considering the fact that Kendra, Clay, Beth and Katie were fakes.

I rang the doorbell as I mumbled a simple prayer to beg God to help Elena out. I had never known she had therapies. Wait first? Which therapies are those? Oh Lord, please don’t let them hurt. Jeez! I was freaking out.
“She is in with the nurse right now, “Her nanny who was elderly told me once she opened the door. She was very sweaty and I could tell she was struggling doing something.

I took a step and before I could take another, the peaceful silence was replaced with loud screams as if an atomic bomb was dropped and people were aware of it.

“Things are not good,” Her nanny rushed to open the door and I followed her into the room real quick.

“I have to massage and try to straighten the leg again,” The nurse told the tear struck Elena who was tied on the bed to ensure she did not interfere with the whole process.

“ARCHIE!” She screamed out in pain.

I looked at the nurse who ha gloved her hands and with a whole sweaty face probably from using all the energy in her to hurt this little angel with the excuse of the whole procedure considered being therapy.

“Elena,” I said and moved closer to her despite the fact that the nurse flashed a look at me that was to mean I should stay away from her.

“Are you her boyfriend?” She asked once I got to the other side.

“Does it matter?” I asked as I took a closer look at Elena who had swollen eyes.

“Angel,” I said touching her hand.

“Tell them to stop,” She begged me holding against my hand to emphasize that I should keep her promise. 

The nurse energetically held her knee joint and started twisting it and all that was heard from Elena was loud screams of terror. Her nanny started shedding tears because she could not stand the fact that her daughter was undergoing so much pain.

“Stop!” I hissed with a dark tone lithering my voice. They were really into hurting Elena since they had set this room aside, the same room that was designed like a hospital ward room to carry put this painful procedures on her. I did not have an idea that someone can go through this pain in just a normal day.

I swear the beauty of time marvels and makes me angry. At this very juncture, someone is crying in pain while others are busy making out somewhere. Why have I thought of that first? Anyway, at the same time, birds are chirping in a tree attending to their nestlings. Why Elena, of all people? She does not deserve this painful procedure being carried out on her.

“If I stop the procedure, the probability that she will ever walk again is zero percent,” The nurse said leaving her leg for a second.

“Is there another way,” I was humble for once.

“No.” She said shortly.

“Angel, hold my hand, when it gets too painful, scream louder and hold me tighter because I will never let go.” I told her and sighed waiting for the torment to re-run.

If there is something I wanted for Angel is for her to walk again. My heart had already grieved with her and all I was thinking about is how I would always be there for her in this path of her finding her ability to walk again.

The next ten minutes were the nightmares I wished never to occur again. She held me tightly and screamed a bit louder and stood I there without knowing how to get her out of this mess. Who put her in this mess in the first place? The person who put her in this place deserves to die the most painful death. Or rather, was she born crippled? I had read in most cases that the crippled people who were born that way never walk again, but those who acquired it when they were already born had a 70% chance of walking again. I hoped that Elena would be part of the 70%.

Everything that has a beginning will always have an end. At the end of that whole painful procedure, the nanny escorted the nurse outside and I remained there with my Angel.

Author's note.
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This book really means a lot to me and I am happy it got a contract on dreame.

The website is just Google it and search my name Sylvia Adely. You will get my three books.

1.Blown Petal
This is about a woman who tries to survive his husband cheating with her step mother yet he doesn't stop. The affair leads to a huge calamity and someone dies. Please read to hear Bluebell's story and her revenge on Jared for cheating on her.

2.The Girl In the Golden Wheelchair.

This is about Elena and Archie. Read about their story. There is a good suspense that you will love.

3.In my Blood.
This is a story about killing in a town called Westside. As usual, the serial killer is someone you least expect it and they kills all the good people for their  selfish reasons. Read about Norah and Marcus.

I love you, I love you, I love you people.

See you on dreame.

Search, Sylvia Adely and enjoy my stories.

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I love you once again. Kisses.

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