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“Angel?” She asked blinking severally and waited for me to say something else and I did.

“I am sorry if you don’t like it, I had the assumption that you would love it,” I told her smiling.

“I love my name more,” She gave her preference.

“Am Archie Johns but my friends call me Arch,” I said pulling out my hand to shake hers.

“Pleased to meet you Archie,” She said and I arched my eyebrows up in confusion.

“You said friends’ right? You are not my friend first of all. Secondly, I don’t want to have a friend who associates with mean people,” She said and wheeled herself toward the dining hall.

“Oh!” I chuckled taking in the weight of what she had told me.

Calm down Arch, you were just trying to be nice to her.

“I have fucking looked for you everywhere,” Kendra cursed twitching her lips repeatedly.

“I saw the girl in that golden think wheeling out from this direction, were you talking to that attention seeker?” Kendra asked with a grin on her face.

“Me, of course not! I was trying to get some air,” I don’t know why I said that but the point remains that I said it.

“I guessed notc, so what are you thinking about,” She arched forward that our bodies were inches apart.

“Nothing really, was just thinking about my first day at school,” I told her as I figured a way to move far from her because the way she stared at me was quite alarming.
“I heard what happened,” She said playing with the hem of my shirt.

Dear God, I have never begged for this but this is my time to beg you. Please let it not be about Dark Street, please. Pretty please.

“What did you hear?” I asked after a long period of silence.

“Your bother and the whole alcohol thing,” She said and I threw my hands in the air because of the frustration that come with this.

Are you fucking kidding me? I trusted Clay with keeping this a secret.

“I am here in case you need someone to talk to,” She said with a caring voice and I forgot for a second that she was one of the mean girls. People can really choose to be anything, even what they are not.

“I am fine, plus don’t ever mention that to someone else, “I told her strictly avoiding her eye contact.

“Si,” She answered in Spanish and I felt the urge to respond in Spanish because it was the foreign language that I was in love with.

“Hablo poco,” I scoffed rubbing my temple and she half smiled at me.

We walked in tow to join the squad who were looking at as with suggestive impression that we were just making out. That was no big deal in Liberty high. I have heard once that the school president screwed a girl in the science lab. All this teenage feelings can really be overwhelming.

“Half of your lipstick is missing Kendra,” Katie muttered with a giggle.

I watched Kendra as she blushed as if it was the truth. She was really daring, the fact that she can wipe her lipstick to imply that we had made out was really a daring and desperate move.

“We did not kiss guys,” I said glaring at her.

“Kissing is not a big deal Arch, it is the order of the day,” Becky said and practically kissed Clay on the lips.

“Kiss Kendra then and let’s get over it,” Clay said and the girls agreed totally with him.

I froze for a moment and Kendra spoke up after a dead silence that was so alarming.

“If he doesn’t want to do it then I will be on my way out,” She said brushing the fringe out of her eyes.

All eyes were on me and I pulled my chair and walked over to where Kendra had seated. I took her by the hand and she stood up. I do not know where this thought come from but I wanted it to be extra.

I jumped on top of an empty table and I signaled her to follow me as I stretched up my hand to help her up. Everyone was watching us and I did not care at that point. I wanted to prove to my squad that I am equally cool as they want me to be.

I kissed her slightly on the lips and she kissed me back almost immediately and it was a matter of seconds before our lips moved in perfect synch.

“That is enough!” The principal shouted bringing us to our reality.

“Get out of that table this instant!” He shouted as the students in the dining hall glared at us and you could even forget the fact that they were shouting and cheering at us as we kissed.

“In my Office!” He said and walked out of the dining hall.

“I wished I could help man,” Clay whispered as I walked out of the dining hall and I just ignored that. I was already in trouble due to proving myself and that is the worst thing that would happen.

I did not notice that the girl in the golden wheelchair was there all along until I saw her a step before I walked out of the dining hall.

“I am sorry, it is all my fault,” Kendra said with a guilty tone.

“Stop saying that, we both know that I am the one at fault,” I told her raising my voice.

“You better shut up young man because you are adding more weight to your mistake!” The principle said authoritatively.

We tugged behind hoping that we would not be suspended.

I kept my fingers crossed for Kendra took a very long time in his office. I prayed silently as I waited for my turn.

As soon as Kendra stomped out of the office with a frown in her face and tears in her eyes, I walked into the office and awaited my judgement.

Authors note,
Keep sharing.
I love you all,


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