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“ELENA!” I shouted getting to my feet and holding her arms.

She dilated her pupil and arched her eyebrows up in confusion but I did not care. God had answered my prayers and she was alive and that was such a relief.

Something was a bit off and that was her Golden Wheelchair. She was riding on a black normal wheelchair and her hair was in a tight bun.

“I don’t know why your eyes are red and why you are excited to see me. All I know is that I don’t care,” She said with a bitchy tone and I just swallowed whatever I had to say.

Miracles are rare and it was such a relief that mine occurred.

We stared at each other for some time and looking directly into her hazel eyes delighted me. She stared back but I could not exactly read what was on her puny mind.

I crouched and we were exactly at the same height without breaking the eye contact. The staring contest was becoming intense and I loved it because I felt a form of yearning.

I threw all caution to the wind and moved my chin towards her face and since I was so deeply tied to the moment, I closed my eyes and moved an inch closer feeling it in my blood that she would do the same but I stayed there for seconds that felt like a lifetime till I opened my eyes on my own.

She was seated still with her hands crossed in front of her chest and from psychology class that told me vividly that she did not want anyone to come close to her. I looked at her and laced my lips with saliva before I finally licked them and stood up.

I waited for an explanation but she did not give me any and that sank my ego even more.

“He is the one,” I heard Kendra’s voice and that was the perfect timing I had ever received in my lifetime.

“Kendra baby,” I scoffed walking towards Kendra and a nurse.

“Are you okay, you should not be out here by yourself,” She said in a caring voice as she moved closer to hug me.

I didn’t hear her wheelchair being wheeled away so I knew she was watching me and therefore I was staging an act.

“I was lost, I hate this place Kendra,” I told her as I embraced her tightly for a longer period of time.

“It is okay, let us get back to the ward,” She said and I shook my head in disagreement.

“Come on please,” She begged staring into my eyes.

“I am not going till you forgive me,” I said sternly.

“Mr. Jones kindly follow me to your ward,” The nurse said and I followed her so as not to complicate the matter.

I was sure to walk past Elena while holding Kendra’s hand to make her certain that I had someone else anyway so she did not matter that much as she thought she did. The hand holding thing was totally normal to me and she was not any special.

“Your eyes,” Kendra questioned as soon as the nurse left saying she was going to look for the final dose before I was discharged.

“They are itchy and I could not stop rubbing them,” I told her buts he did not buy the lie but I had set my mind not to explain it to her.

Since my bad encounter, I had resorted to telling the truth all along and to me, I better not talk about it than lie about it.

“Your parents…” Kendra started saying after a period marked by a pin drop silence.

“Do you even get it?” I asked because she had pissed me off already.

“They love you …” She wanted to add more but I interrupted.

“Leave!” I ordered. This is the second time I was making her leave and I started feeling that she wanted to provoke me so that she would leave or something. I did not understand girls and unluckily, Kendra was one of them.

I waited for her ass to drag itself out but she hardly moved an inch.

“Your brother,” She continued adding salt to the cake.

I was thankful for the alarm bell placed on my bed that would notify the nurse that I was in danger and I beeped it twice and soon enough she come in.

The two people living at my house who wanted to be addressed as parents were with her and that made it worse. I felt I was being trapped in a den of lions. I felt they were a threat in my life and I never wanted them there. As usual, there is always a way out.

“SEE, I did not die as you would wish for,” I said and since things were getting out of hand, Kendra left us to solve our family drama.

“Baby, don’t say that,” My mother said and broke into fresh crocodile tears. I am not a bad person but they made me feel like I did not matter. They should never even think of crawling back to my life because how they left still stays.

I never love seeing people cry because I am a crybaby too. Thanks to my mum, I had inherited that from her.

“Stop crying, I don’t like people crying,” I told her looking away.

“It’s okay,” My father spoke up trying to make my mother feel better.

There was a knock on my door and I wished it would bring good fortune because I had had my worst time with this people already.

My dad opened the door and my worried buddie Robb walked into the room.

Yaay! My saviour had finally arrived.

“Can I have a minute with him,” Robb requested making the two hypocrites to leave the room.

“Am sorry man, I should not have let them come here. I was worried about you,” He said and as usual he is always forgiven to do that. No one else is supposed to talk to me about my own parents.

“Tell me what really happened in the elevator and where the hell you had been all this time,” I told him waiting for his response eagerly.

Authors note

Thank you for reading.
I love you all..

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