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“Jeez! I am so sorry guys, I thought I was the only one who knew this place,” Clay said when he opened the door.

“You wish,” I said playfully.

“Katie?” Kendra was so astonished to see Katie with Clay at that place all alone.

“It’s not what you are thinking,” She said faking a smile but it did not work to lure Kendra.

“You can’t lie to me, most of all to our friendship,” Kendra said with an attitude.

“Girls,” Clay tried to figure out something to say but Kendra did not give him that space.

“Allow her to tell me the truth,” Kendra hissed and Clay threw his hands out in surrender. We had moved out of that room to a brighter corridor and the guilt in Katie’s face could easily be noted.

“I thought you knew better than this. How could you do this to Beth?” Kendra asked with spite and bitterness.

“I am sorry...” Katie began to speak bit Kendra did not want her explanation.

“You just a piece of work you know. You know how Beth loves him yet you have the guts to sleep around with his man and you even have the nerve to try to lie to me and the evidence is very clear?” Kendra lamented.

“Archie, did you know about this?” She asked me with a shaky vice.

I was silent for a while as a big bitter lump formed on my throat. I was guilty of not speaking the truth I don’t know even understand why I left this slip out of my control. I was a bad friend right?

“So you also knew about this,” She accused me as I remained silent waiting for my verdict.

“So, Beth and I are the fools here,” She laughed while saying this. This is one of those laughs someone gives when they are totally disappointed about something and there is nothing they can do about it.

“I thought we were friends you know,” She flashed a look at Clay who was very silent that could question her presence.

“Sorry,” I scoffed.

“I will see you guys next time, that if there would be a next time,” She said and took her leave.

I tried following her out but it was completely useless because she avoided me and the worst thing is that she did not want to say something to me.

I deserved that, didn’t I?

Actually, Katie was the third wheel in the girl’s relationship. Beth and Kendra were inseparable since third grade and they were there for each other. They always supported each other even at one point when one of Kendra’s kidney failed, Beth happily donated it for her. This are the friendship goals am talking about. It is all about being there for your friend in times of need, not only during partying and raving. I swear, if you have a best friend, keep her and don’t ever break her trust.

Katie was just an average kid who was being picked on and it was until the 5th grade that she become friend with the girls. Before Katie’s parents got rich from willing a lottery, Katie did not have the best things in life and her fashion sense was a crisis till Beth and Kendra chipped in to help that. After the whole lottery winning thing which happened almost immediately, she took the girls out to a girl’s trip in Paris where they bonded and the trio friendship started. People forget real quickly, the same people who helped her are the same ones she is hurting.

This was going to be a hot mess.

“I am sorry man for putting you in this shit,” Clay said running hands through his hair to try and figure out a way out from the situation. His lies had come to the dead end and it was by default that he was going to lose Beth, the girl he cared about since I met him.

I don’t know what exactly attracted him to Katie, all I know is that, he did not love him as much as he loved Beth. That is what we men always do. We cheat on our girlfriends with people who we don’t care about and that makes us settle for less. Spoil your girl, do all those good shit for your girl because she is the only person who will stick by your side through thick and thin.

“Excuse me,” I left the two love birds who practiced forbidden love and went straight ahead to look for my girlfriend.

She was not in the hallway so I figured she had gone to the school cafeteria. I was accurate with her location because I saw her seated at the same table with Beth when I walked to the hall.

They were having a lengthy deep conversation and all of a sudden Beth started crying. I avoided looking at her and took a seat at a neighboring table. Kendra had told her what his boyfriend had done and the thought of him cheating with her best friend was not something easy for her to process when he loved Clay that much.

“Hey, good to see you again,” Elena brought me to reality when she spoke to me.

I had not even realized that I had joined her table. She was sitting alone and finishing up eating her sandwich.

“You can have a bite, now that you are not eating anything, “She spoke freely with me.

I gazed on Kendra as she walked past me holding Beth by the hand to support her in her heartbreak and I couldn’t feel any less guilty.

“Is everything alright? You seem so off,” Elena commented and I had to concentrate on her.

“Sure,” I said quickly.
“Sure?” She confirmed.

“Yeas.” I said then I remembered what Robb wished for.

“Actually, I wanted to ask, will you go to dinner with…” I had hardly finished the whole invite thing when she said yes.

It was like she had waited for me to say this to her for a long time.

Author's note
Thank you for reading .

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Love you all

Sylvia Elly

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