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"Can I join the poetry class Mr. Arthur?" I asked after I followed him out of the classroom.

"I would say no but Robb said it will help you, so I can't say no to that," He said after thinking for a while and it was such a relief. I had been stressing over the matter since Rob talked about it.

It is not talking to teacher Arthur that was stressing me, telling my friends about it was the hard nut to crack. They had regarded it as a lame club since eternity.

"You are supposed to say thank you," He said walking away and I realized that I had failed my first impression by being disrespectful, anyway I tried my chances.

"Thank you sir," I said louder for him to hear as he walked away.

"4pm venue is the music room, keep time Archie Johns," He said disappearing into the offices.

"And what are you up to young man," Katie made an entrance pointing fingers.

"Nothing," I said ignoring her and walking back to class.

"I will tell the squad about your lame club. Come on, we have the popular clubs with rich kids and you dare involve yourself with that. Kendra will never accept that for your information," She said this and I had to stand still to face the matter.

"I always thought you were keeping it low key, I mean, I thought you were humble," I said with spite.

"I am not, as a matter of fact, I have the latest model of jeep to showcase, Clay's Ferrari is nothing compared to that," She said fanning herself with her and.

Spoiled rich kid! Her shoes and her silk skater dress was equivalent to the total savings in my account.

"Just think about it Katie, if you tell the squad I am lame, I will tell Becky the whole truth," I said holding her by her collar.

"Let go of me!" She said walking as fast as possible to wherever the hell she come from.

As usual, I never cared. She is a stupid girl not to even look for her own boyfriend. Damn, she could just treat those acne now that they are rich, instead of using tons of makeup on her skin.

"You know I hate going to crowded places," I told Kendra who kept dragging me along. Her blue and white themed cheerleading uniform made her look outstanding especially when she let her hair fall back on her shoulders.

"I want you to see our new choreography," she begged walking me to the gym where there were a good number of girls including Becky and Katie.

"Girls, my boyfriend Arch has come to watch the choreography, so bring your asses here and let's get this done with," She commanded and they did what they said.

The dj turned up the volume of the music and musical beats filled the air. I watched my girlfriend blow a kiss at me before she finally bent to her knees and started twerking, so did the rest of the cheerleaders'. The choreography made my day and I could never unseen what I had seen and thus I found myself loving Kendra more.

Time passed, you know time, when you do something enjoyable, time flies really fast. They finished off and before I could clap, someone else clapped ahead of me.

The hell, I was the only one watching.

"Congratulation Kendra, that was good one," Mr. Brown said and that really pissed me off. He should really leave my girlfriend alone. Why is he this way?

"Thank you sir," Kendra said moving forward to shake his hands.

I continued staring at Mr. Brown, our principal who is supposed to be our role model but at this very juncture, he was very busy staring at Kendra's bosom and cleavage, trying to undress her with her eyes.

"If am not in class, you should just call me Brown or in short B, I prefer it this way." He said and every Cheerleader including Kendra arched their eyebrows up in confusion as one or two them dilated their pupil for that matter.

Is he serious right now? He dare flirts with her before everyone else.

He wanted to ignore what he had aid but I cleared my throat noisily.

"I just want you girls to be free with me and to never fear me when we are outside class. I can be harsh at times but after school I am a good person to talk to or hang out even at the coffee shop," He said adjusting his belt and placing his coat in place.

"Don't you have a lot of work to do around the office" I asked hoping that he would leave immediately.

"Sure, I do. Thank you Archie," He said with a grin on his face before turning around finally to leave.

"Huh, that was so intense," Becky said stretching a bit.

"Girls that is enough for today. Practice more on your own. Betty please learn more on twerking," She said after the girls had picked up their bags and stood around waiting for her to give instructions.

"You should just throw Betty out of the Cheerleading squad, she can't basically twerk. Who does that," Becky complained.

Damn, she is also mean. God! She deserves being cheated on.

Damn! I had forgotten the poetry thing and on checking my watch it was almost half past four o'clock. How could I possibly be out of the squad this time without offering an explanation? We were going to meet Clay on the parking so that he would drive us home.

I did not know if it would work but I had to suggest it anyway.

"I think you girls need to bond," I said and they looked at me keenly. I crossed my finger behind my back.

"You need some girl time," I said laughing to blend things in.

"To do some manicure, pedicures and steaming together as you chit chat on various things around school," I tried to make things fall into place.

"I thought I would hang out with you today," Kendra glared at me begging me to stay with her.

"Baby, I will come to pick you up." I promised.

"Promise?" She asked her face lighting up.

"Yes, promise," I said.

"Let's go girls, bill is on me," Katie Chripped.

"No, I will settle it this time," Becky argued as they walked away.

I checked my watch as I rushed to the music room. It is better late than never.

Authors note
Thank you for reading the book. I just love how it gets better with time.

Which was your favourite part.

I just loved the girls reunion.

I love you all, not will you marry me type though..


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