The beging

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(A/N) Before I get started I really appreciate you guys reading my book I dont know when I am going to be done with it because I only just started but I know its going to be fun!!!! Ily.

Rebecca's (P.O.V)

Ugh!! Kill me now, was all I thought as I heard my mom screaming for me to get out of bed, or I was going to be late for first day school, even though schools been in session for two months!

We just moved here to L.A, California from Arizona ! I'm kinda excited because I finally get to see my best friend who also moved to California a couple of years before me! We kept in touch the whole time she was gone!

I clumsily got up and moved towards my bathroom, so that I could get ready for school! Brushing my teeth in the mirror I thought to myself ,Am I pretty? I have greenish blue eyes , rosey red cheeks ,and long dirty blonde hair ! My body isn't that bad I guess! I can pull off a crop top which most girls can't ! I was proud of that, thinking of crop tops I went to my closet and picked out a black skater skirt and floral crop top that went to just above my belly button!

I looked at the clock on my wall and realized I was in the bathroom for 15 minutes just thinking to my self and I didn't even brush my hair! I scurried about my room with a hair brush going through my hair, my hair was naturally really straight so never had to flat iron my hair!

Throwing on a pair of black heels with a bow on the side I tried to hurry downstairs , which it still took me three minutes to get downstairs though! I said good morning to my mama( and yes i still call her mama,and I always will)and ate a banana!Grabbing the keys to my four door Kia, I hurried out side and into the car!

I just turned 16 this year but my mom likes to spoil me, so she bought me a car! Plus it kind of makes up for the fact that she was always gone on buiseness trips! I flipped down the mirror and checked my makeup which I did really quick after I brushed my hair! I only use powder foundation , a light pink blush ,eye liner and mascara, pretty normal!

I started my car and sped off towards the hell hole people call school! I went straight inside, after parking three rows from the entrance( it was a good parking spot!) I was pretty nervous, I could already feel the eyes of all the kids looking at me curiously!

I walked to my new locker and got out the piece of paper that had my combination on it! I kept looking behind me , I don't really know why but I kept doing it! I finally got my locker open and put my books in it!i was given my books a week ago when I came to get my schedule!

I closed my locker and turned to see my best friend Ocean Painter standing behind me with a huge smile on her face! I screamed ,jumping into her arms and giggled.

At this point we were both screaming and hugging each other , people were staring but I didn't care!

We pulled away with huge smiles on our faces and just laughed!

"I missed you so much babester!!!! " Babester was her nick name for me! She was still laughing at me , but I didn't care!

"I missed you too we have so much to catch up on!" She smiled and nodded her head!

"What classes do you have ?" She asked, snatching the paper out of my hands I laughed at her eagerness ! She gasped and I looked at her with concern, she then hugged me and said we have four classes with each other!! I thought to my self "Maybe junior year will be good for me!!

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