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Jin-3rd p.o.v

Jin scurries out the door, making sure his hair was fixed to perfection and his keys were in his front pocket. Namjoon kisses him goodbye and left without another word.

Jin smiles to himself as he remembers their 'shower' and he bites his lip, thinking maybe he should give Namjoon another treat since he's been stressed out in the library.

Who knew it was such a hard job to manage?
Entering the parking lot, he sees Hoseok in the front, smoking a cigarette with the Lieutenant.

"Hyung!" Hoseok shouts, calling him over.

"Detective Jung, Lieutenant Min." He nods to the two men.

"Hyung, it's Yoongi to you when we're outside of the precinct." Yoongi said as he breathed in the tobacco.

"What about me Yoongi!?" Hoseok shouted.
"Still Lieutenant for you-" Yoongi said, turning around not wanting to face the loud man.

Jin laughs at this.
"Anything new on the case? I never seen Yoongi smoke this much." He gestured to the three cigarette buds on the floor.

Hoseok looked away from Jin, nervousness in his eyes. Jin noticed this.

His eyebrow raised as Yoongi did the same.
"What happened?" Jin asked, knowing fully that these two especially cannot lie to him.

No matter the league or rank, they cannot lie to Kim Seokjin.

Yoongi removes the cigarette from his mouth, a fog of smoke around him, making him seem like a demon that was summoned.

"The hair sample we found yesterday...it was a bust."

"What?" Jin asked, pissed. He knew that if that sample was the real thing, that could save years of work that the precinct had done to catch them.

"It was probably swapped. Forensics were to check on it today but what they got? was just a fake strand of hair found on a common wig." Yoongi said, smoke coming out of his mouth as he said so. "It could be found literally anywhere here in Korea."

"Dammit." Jin said between his gritted teeth.

"Whatever. We just have to wait for the next one." Yoongi sighed, his demeanor obviously showing rage as he dropped the cigarette bud, stepping on it.

"Also, a new recruit is coming today to work in Forensics." He said as he looked at the two in front of him.

"He was transferred here from the Busan police department, and I heard he's a good shot with handguns." Yoongi said as he turned to enter the room.

"I'm gonna fix up the Forensics team to introduce themselves to the new kid later."

He waves and enters the precinct.
"What will we do now?" Hoseok said as he threw the remainder of his cigarette, stepping on it angrily.

"We just have to wait as the Lieutenant said." Jin ruffles through his hair.

"Come on let's go inside." Jin said as he pulled Hoseok by the arm to their desks.

"Well, that sucked." Said Hoseok as he sat down in his chair, not too far from Jin's desk.
"Now we have to wait again for another case-" Hoseok was suddenly cut off by a running Taehyung, who was sprinting towards them.


"Yah!" Hoseok shouted at Taehyung, not being called 'Hyung' made him pissed.

"Whatever! We have a new kid here! And he's hot-" Jin could see the flush in his cheeks and rolled his eyes.
"Ugh, Taehyung you think everybody is hot."

"Yeah, not Hoseok though."

"It's 'Hyung' to you, brat!" Hoseok said as he lightly punched Taehyung's head.

"Let's go meet the new guy I guess." Jin said, walking away from the two men pulling each other's hair.

Officers and Detectives were swarming at the front of the precinct as the Lieutenant stood with a young boy. He was significantly taller than the Lieutenant which made Jin chuckle. He had brown hair, a sharp jaw but baby faced, body was obviously toned, and yet his features made him look like a sweet bunny.

"Everyone! This is Jeon Jungkook, he will be working with us from now on. He was transferred by Busan's Police Task Force, please treat him well."

The young boy bowed, polite.
"Hello everyone, my name is Jeon Jungkook, please take care of me!"

Everyone else chatted away, giving compliments to the new boy and Jin walked up to the crowd, making his way through to talk to the newbie.

"Ah, Detective Kim. Jungkook, this is our finest Detective. Detective Kim Seokjin."
Lieutenant Min said as he directed Jungkook's attention from the crowd to Jin.

Jungkook held familiarity in his eyes, but he remembered what Namjoon-Hyung said to him.

'When you see Jin, he is nothing more than a stranger. Be kind to him and be true though, he cannot, and I mean, cannot! Know who I really am.'

Jungkook smiles at the older.
"Nice to meet you Detective! I've hear a lot about you from Lieutenant Min-shii."

Jin looked at the young male, surprised at how polite and well mannered he was. "You seem like a good boy Jungkook. I can't wait to work with you! Taehyung, your senior, will be helping you along."

The said male walked up to the both of them. Taehyung has a bright blush on his cheeks as he stared at the tall boy.

"Hey Kookie! I'm Taehyung! If you wanna know the basics of what we do around here, follow me!"

Jungkook smiles wide. "Yes please! Detective Jin-shii, it was nice to talk to you! I'd love to talk to you more!" Jungkook bows and leaves with Taehyung, not without Taehyung turning back to Jin with wide eyes and a bright smile on his face.

Jin waves the both of them off, happy that Taehyung has a new friend and possibly, crush. Remembering how he and Namjoon were just like that. Young and Naive lovers.

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