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His fingers danced along the keyboard, creating a symphony of clicks and his eyes were fixated on the screen.

He was listing the recent sales of the company in their Drug and Recalls. The guns were to be sent in next week by A.C.E corporations, GOT7 has a meeting with Namjoon today by 3pm, the not-so-helpful Secretary reminded him just 1 hour before 3; they were to discuss the recent gang assaults and robberies and how they were going to clean them up.

Wishing BamBam and Mark good luck wit the clean up for that.

Namjoon kept clicking away until the burner tracker started to create a continuous beeping sound. He looked at the new tab and saw listings of potential kills who still owe him money.

"Tsk...Jimin!" He calls for his secretary and waits for him to walk into the room.

"What boss?" He said unamused.

"Suit up, we're going to the head base, we need to prepare for the meeting you decided to inform me of late."

Jimin kept a straight face and riled his eyes, not really flinching when Namjoon's voice raised.

"Alright, should I wear my suit or my suit?"

"We're meeting with Got7 and we want to show authority, so wear your special work suit." Namjoon said as he took his keys and wallet. Jimin smiled and nodded, leaving the tall man alone as he left to change.

Namjoon fished his phone out of his front pocket and texted 'Jinnie 💖'

Joonie ❤️:
Hey baby, I'll be working late tonight, don't wait up okay? You need all the rest you need. I love you ❤️

Jinnie 💖:
Okay Joonie, I love you too, don't  work too hard! I'll leave some food out for you, I love you so much 💜

Namjoon smiled as he read the text, he loved him so much, yet he's been pushing the thought of him revealing his identity in the far back of his mind. 

"I know he loves me, he does." He tried to convince himself, but for now, work comes first.

"Alright I'm ready!" Jimin says as he enters the room, not bothering to knock. His demeanor was more bubbly now, Namjoon knew he loved going into work wearing his baby boy suit as he called it.

His Gucci jacket with bright colored diamonds and rubies with his Gucci shirt that Taehyung got him. Leather pants hugs his figure tightly and contrasts beautifully with his pink hair and pink gun holder on his waist.

Namjoon nods and takes his keys to his car.
"This is gonna be fun." Jimin laughs as he starts the car, holding onto his beautiful pink gun, giving it a little shine.

"Don't play with that Jimin, Yoongi will have my head if you died and I was with you." He joked.

"Whatever mom." Jimin whined and placed the gun inside of his holster, situated on his thigh with a bright pink leather design.

"What is today's agenda?"

"Well," Jimin took out the tablet on the cars side compartment. " you are to meet Got7 for the recent crime rates, gangs have been formed that were not legally assigned by any company what so ever. Probably some teenagers being rebellious, but they've caused a lot of problems."

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