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They both walked. Hoseok sharing stories of how he and Namjoon hung out earlier. Jin kept a smiling act and listened to Hoseok's babbling.

No matter how much the older wanted to punch the smiling younger, he knew better than to do that.

"I don't get why you two broke up Hyung." Hoseok knew why, but he had to keep up the act that he too was doing.
Jin shrugged.

"There were things that he kept from me that made me think irrationally, and I lashed out. I didn't even apologize, but that's in the past now." Jin said, looking forward.

Hoseok knew something was up, but still, having Jin know about it made his heart a little bit lighter. He felt something vibrate in his pocket and he looked and pulled out his phone. A text from Jimin.

Take him to the park. You're almost there. Turn right after you've passed by 7-11.

Hoseok did as he was told and kept walking and pulled the older by the arm, Jin looked at him curiously.

"Where are we going Hoseok?"

"O-Oh! Jimin told me that there was a park here nearby and I really want to check it out!" Jin sighed and complied. What they didn't know, they thought they were safe. But the TXT boys were ready to pounce. Their masks hiding their faces and identities, with Jimin not too far from them with his ear piece on.

"Go." With that command, they all scattered. Soobin, their leader, silently directing them where to go.

Hoseok felt something off with the scary ambiance of the lights in the park. Jin did too, he was ready to take out his pepper spray until-

"Hoseok do you-" Someone placed a gag on Jin. Hoseok screamed.

"Hyung!" He reaches for Jin who was struggling in the hold of two men. Hoseok was ready to pounce but a much taller man held onto his arms, restraining him to the ground. An earpiece was stealthily placed in his ear. Jin was almost in tears at this point.

"Be gentle boys! When I said restrain, I didn't mean hurt them!" Jimin's voice echoed in their ears.

Hoseok heard it too.

"Hoseok, listen carefully. We'll be taking Jin. Make it seem like a kidnapping. You'll thank me later." Jimin giggled and Hoseok frowned, still struggling against the taller mans grip. The gag tightly wrapped around his mouth.

Jin has a blindfold on and was still struggling. But the two holding onto him were good, and their hands holding onto his arms were painful and strong.

They were still in the park. He could still hear the crickets and buzzing of mosquitos from earlier. They were forcing him to walk.

But they didn't frisk him or take anything from him. They want him alive. Oh god. When he wanted to be noticed by modeling agencies or people, he didn't want a kidnapping. 

They pushed him down. A chair? His hands were free.
Even with al the training he's been through, he kept calm now. He didn't immediately remove the blindfold and gag. Waiting for anything.

"-where are we going?" He heard a distant voice. He swore he recognizes it but he kept the restraints on. "Just stay still Namjoon. It's a surprise!"


Did Namjoon do this?

"Jackson, I'm tired and I want to go home, can't we do this tomorrow? It's just a park."

Jin stands corrected. It wasn't Namjoon. Probably the 'Jackson' fellow with him planned it as a sick way of starting Namjoon a harem.

"Oh it's no ordinary day in the park my friend!"

"Can't you at least take off the blindfold? My eyes are starting to hurt with how tight you placed it."

Jin did not know what to process and just waited.
"Our guest is here! Now dear guest, please take off your blindfold!"

"Jackson what the hell did you do-" Jackson clamped a hand over Namjoon's mouth, silencing him. Jin hesitantly took off the gag, taking deep breathes. Slowly he reached for the blindfold and saw Namjoon with the same blindfold and a man by his shoulder smiling widely.

"Lovely! Now it's your turn Joon!" He giggled and Namjoon took off his blindfold.

"Jin? what the hell?"

"That's what I want to ask!" Jin said, his knuckles against the table. "What is this? Your sick attempt to take me back?!"

"I-I didn't have any part-"

Namjoon was cut off by Jackson. "Woah, it wasn't Namjoon's idea, this was my idea as well a few of his friends. Why not recondite an old flame to ignite again, you know?"

Jin's blood started to boil.
"Kidnapping? Assault? Is this how you woo people? What is wrong with you people!"

Namjoon had his head low. He knows that Jackson and the others had good intentions, but he didn't want them to get scolded.


Jin looked over the cowering younger. "Zip it Joonie, they need to learn their lesson."

Namjoon blushed. He hasn't heard that nickname, at least not from him in a long time. Jackson saw him smile, he smirked but was distracted by the scolding of the older in front of him.

"I mean, it's basic human decency! If Namjoon wanted to go on a date with me, he could've asked me himself-" Jin covered his mouth and blushed.

Jimin from afar giggled and kept watching. Jungkook and Taehyung behind him, squealing and holding each other as they watched. As if they were watching the best RomCom in existence. In the back, Hoseok was there watching the scene play. He bit his lip as he watched.

"Would you have said yes?" Namjoon stood suddenly from his chair, a bright red blush on his face, sweat forming on his brow.

"O-Of course, but you're with-"

"Then, let's go on a date. Tomorrow night."

Jackson squealed, but coughed, calming himself down. Fixing his tie. "So Jin? What do you say?"

Jin thought for a while. Back to their previous conversation, that left Jin crying over Namjoon all over again.

But what about Hoseok? He'll be heartbroken, especially after he gave him his blessing. One night won't hurt, right? It is just a date.

But. He did want Namjoon back too. Deep down, he knew he did.

"I'll go on a date with you."

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