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Third Person P.O.V

Jin, went on the next plane to Korea the next day. Yoongi and Jimin following behind. Hoseok was nowhere to be seen or found. They did question Yoongi and Jin but were released when no evidence subjected them to foul play, or in connection to his disappearance. 

Not long after, the older man found out that Yoongi gave him and himself a 4-month leave. That's why his crew never questioned him leaving. 'It was supposed to be for you to be happy again' Yoongi says; Jin never listened or agree. 

Making him go on a manhunt, talking to fake policemen to make it all seem real. 

Where is Namjoon you're probably thinking? 
He was gone, off the radar once again. 

Jin scheduled a raid in the building that Jin knew the gang, Got7 was located, but when the S.W.A.T team arrived, they saw nothing but an empty building with walls and floors still being repaired. It's as if the building that stood here for years, was just being built. The other information within the drive did help Jin move up the ranks. 

Life became normal. Jimin wasn't seen as often anymore, Yoongi would talk more to Jin but he stopped talking about his son and husband. Yoongi wore his ring still and goes home early. Jin guessed they were still safe and alright. 

But for him? It was dull, every day a new bar to make him ignore the troubles that were clouding his mind and judgment. 

What happened to Namjoon? 

If Jin had such a dull life even with his promotion, Namjoon was no different. He still controlled his corporation with an iron fist, but his heart wasn't within the work anymore. Like a musician losing interest with his instrument. 

Namjoon kept to himself, only leaving to meet with the newlyweds and Jimin with his son. Hoseok was still nowhere to be seen. Namjoon was good at his Job, but Hoseok was better. He must have hurt him so bad. No, he did hurt him so bad. He wouldn't be surprised if Hoseok never showed his face to Namjoon. Another burden to hold within his already broken heart. 

Taehyung and Jungkook got married the year after, not wanting their Namjoon-Hyung to be overwhelmed with everything that happened. 

He was still heartbroken. That made him drown himself with work and training to ignore the screams of his heart to turn himself in. A toxic relationship with his heart and mind. 

That ugly word "If" keeps coming back to him.

If  he didn't accept the position from his Grandfather.

If  he was just truthful to Jin and told him in the beginning.

If  he didn't pursue him the first time they met.

If  he didn't push Jin to join the academy.

If  only he wasn't such a coward.

So many versions of himself in his head, so many scenarios that he can't remove from his mind. He was tired and the others could see that. Jimin would visit and bring his son, letting him meet his godfather. 

He was a good distraction to all that was happening around him. Being an adoptive son, he looked exactly like Jimin and Yoongi. He's a good boy, and he knew that he would probably follow his father's footsteps in either being a cop, or his dad and do crime on the side. 

Namjoon knows he's heartbroken. Namjoon knows that he pushed too much. But Namjoon never stopped loving him. The lovely sight that he was able to look at every single day. Oh how he wished he saw him one last time. 

"Jin." were his last words as he bled out, on the floor while his enemy stands before him. He was distracted, he was tired, but he knew that he could feel peace. For once in his life, he felt peace. 

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