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Namjoon-3rd p.o.v

Namjoon sorted through file upon file of papers. The latest sale of drugs and the alcohol shipping if it every pulled through.

He started to get annoyed and loosened his top, unbuttoning some of them to allow himself to breathe.
"Aish, this is too much." He said as he fumbled with all of the papers, pushing them to the side and grabbing his phone, wanting to see if his baby is alright.

Hi Hon, is everything alright at work? ^_^

Jin <3:

Yup, but ehhh so much happens at work, it's fine now though! Wanna come by so we can grab lunch together? <333

Namjoon looked at the time and saw that it was now 11:45.

'I'm guessing the switch went well.' Namjoon smiles, even though he knew Jin was stressing in this case, he can't let him know who he really is yet.

Of course! I'll be there in 10! Love you lots! ^3^ <3

Love you more!!!! <333333333

Namjoon smiled and turned off his phone, changing into his usual bookworm look, removing his contacts and wearing his thin trimmed glasses.

"Jimin, I'm going out!"

"Alright Hyung, see you later!" Jimin smiles at him. He must have had a good day. He was usually a grouch because of work and being Namjoon's secretary and right hand.

Namjoon shakes this off and exits the door, making sure he had his wallet and keys with him.
He opens the car and proceeds to drive to his lovers workplace.

The innocent persona Namjoon made for himself is what he really wanted to be. Kind, loveable. But he had to take over for his mother in the family.

He opens the door and was greeted by a lot of the officers who knew him well.

He noticed Jungkook sitting down on a table, drinking his banana milk that Namjoon made sure he put just for him as a surprise.

"Joonie!" Namjoon looked up to see a tired Jin running towards him. Jungkook looked up at the two and was surprised to see his Hyung.

"Hi Jinnie!" Namjoon gave Jin a quick peck to the forehead and hugged Jin tight.

"I missed you~" Jin laughed, "We saw each other 4 hours ago?"

"But it doesn't mean I can't miss my lovable boyfriend??" Jin smiles at this and proceeds to give Namjoon a kiss. Some police officers cheered and 'whooped' for the couple.

"Okay enough of that, not in my precinct." The Lieutenant, Yoongi, pulled the two away before they could go any further in public.

"Yoongi-Hyung, nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you too Namjoon." Yoongi smiles at the younger male.
"How is Jimin in the library? I hope he's not doing anything stupid." Yoongi says, smiling at the thought of his husband.

"Oh no, he's a..whole lot of laughs at the library. Very hardworking." Namjoon gave a thumbs up to the older and he couldn't help but smile at this.

"By the way Namjoon! We have a new recruit!" Jin suddenly pulled him away from Yoongi, towards the boy drinking a milk drink.

"This is Jungkook! He'll be working in Forensics!" Jin said, placing a hand on the youngest shoulder. Jungkook tensed up and stood straight, opening with his 'shy' boy persona.

"I'm Jeo-Jeon Jungkook! Nice to meet you!" He bowed.
Namjoon wanted to laugh, but he kept a straight face.

"Kim Namjoon, it's a pleasure to meet you Jungkook."
They shook hands, and Namjoon gave a look that meant 'good job' to Jungkook, and Jungkook couldn't help but smile.

"I have to get my jacket! I'll be back hon." Jin gives a quick kiss to Namjoon's cheek and runs off to his desk.

Namjoon then looked and Jungkook.
"You make a good couple Hyung."

"Thank you, now, did you figure out anything?" Namjoon whisperers as he looked around to see if anyone was listening. He sat in front of Jungkook and placed his hands together, demeanor dark and rough.

"It seems that switching the samples worked. Also, why didn't you tell me that Hoseok-Hyung works for you?" Jungkook almost shouted, Namjoon 'shushed' him and looked to see Jin running up to them.

"Oh, you two seem to be getting along! Come on baby! I'm hungry!" Jin pulled Namjoon's arm.

"I'll talk to you soon Jungkook, pleasure meeting you." Namjoon bowed and followed his boyfriend's commands.
Both men leave the station and walk towards Jin's car, knowing afterward that Namjoon had to pick his own car to go back to work.

"Where do you want to eat?" Namjoon asked.

The older thought for a moment, then turned the wheel abruptly.

Jin swerves the wheel and Namjoon holds on for dear life.

"Honey slow down you'll hit somebody!-"

Yoongi-3rd p.o.v

Yoongi was never the affectionate type when it came to anyone, but for Jimin? He was an exception.

He drove his black Mercedes Benz to the library, a beautiful car that he worked hard on to earn. He was holding onto a plastic bag, filled with food he got from Seven-Eleven. It was cheap and it tastes good in Yoongi's perspective.

He opened the door to see the love of his life, arranging books not too far from where he was standing. His thick glasses pushed back, the black turtle neck hugged his body and showed his husband's toned arms.

Yoongi blushes and proceeds to walk towards the unknowing victim.

He puts down the plastic bag on the table nearby, not making a sound, until he reached for Jimin's face, covering it quickly.

"You're under arrest!" Yoongi shouts in his ear.
Jimin flails around Yoongi's hands, trying to get out of his grip. When he successfully did, he looked to see his husband. A leather jacket, army green shirt with his black jeans.

"Hi babe." Yoongi coos. Jimin gave out a surprised yelp and jumped on his beloved, wrapping his legs around him.

"Hi baby!" Jimin practically shouted.
"Why are you here? You could have at least called you know." Jimin pulled away and faced Yoongi, a pout on his lips. Adorable to Yoongi's eyes.

"Well I missed you a lot and wanted to surprise you." Yoongi gave Jimin and chaste kiss, smiling at him.

"You know I hate surprises." Jimin pouts his lips and Yoongi couldn't help but lean forward and place his lips on his husbands'.

"You love me~" Yoongi cooed.

Jimin rolls his eyes and connects their foreheads,
"Yeah, I do."

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