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Namjoon-3rd p.o.v

Namjoon watched his boyfriend as he stuffed himself with food. He couldn't help but sigh at the pretty sight.

Jin eating his fries, talking about work, sipping his cola once in a while. The domestic feel of it all, really gave Namjoon's heart a warm feeling.

Jin can feel his boyfriend's stare and he looks up at Namjoon gawking at him.

"Like what you see?" Jin says with full confidence.
Namjoon let's put an adorable giggle and it makes Jin's cheeks flush.

"Yes, always." Jin smiles widely and held onto Namjoon's cheek gently with his palm.

"That's good, what I always want to hear."

Jin continues to eat and Namjoon continues to stare and adore. Such love was seen in few others.
If Jin found out who he was, would love like this still be there? Would he see the same Namjoon he's loved? Or see someone else, using his skin as a mask, hiding who he really is. A monster.


"Jes-Joonie? Jin said with his mouth full. Namjoon stopped himself from chuckling at the adorable sight.

"Well, I was wondering, if I were living a, let's say different life, what would you think of me then? Hypothetically of course." Namjoon played it off calmly, adding a smile at the end.

The man before him raised his brow, curious as to why he asked such a question.

"Why do you ask?"

"It's for a book I'm writing."

Jin places down his burger and wipes his lips gently. Pondering the question, thinking of answers that would best suit his ideals and morals.

"It really depends on the life you live of course. If you're doing anything illegal; well I'd have to stop you." He gave Namjoon a sad look in his eyes, begging that it won't come true.

Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed and he held onto Jin's free hands.

"That will never happen, love. It was only a hypothetical question."

Namjoon kisses the delicate fingers of his lover, leaving behind his worries, for now.

"So, did anything new happen at the library today?" He asked, looking at Namjoon as he sipped his drink.

"Mm, I stocked the shelves with the Ms.Peregrine series, ordered a new stock of one book from the Harry Potter Series for a back up since the last one was ripped by accident by a teen." Namjoon said, no enthusiasm in his voice but showed enough emotion to show how utterly dull his day was. And the last part was a lie, he was the one that ripped it after crying about Snape.

"It was boring Hon, you don't want to hear it."
The truth is, Namjoon spoke to multiple Gang leaders that day, all business. Except for Jackson who called in because he was bored, not because he needed guns or anything for his group.

"I love hearing about your day either way Joonie."

"Enough about me, how is the food?"

"Good as always, I can eat a whole lot of these and never get tired of it."

Namjoon's heart suddenly start to become heavy. When will he ever tell Jin about the real life he lives and how he really earns money? Killing people and sending out drugs? Not exactly the dream boyfriend that a cop should have.

"It's almost time, let's get you back to the precinct."

Jimin-3rd p.o.v

Jimin stared at Yoongi's face, adoring every detail on his husbands face, even if he's seen it a million times, he can never get tired of looking at the soft features of Yoongi.

"Yoongi..." Jimin says.

"Yes?" Yoongi looks up from the food he was eating to look at Jimin, eyes connected to one another.

"What do you think....if we adopted kids?"

Yoongi choked at the sudden question, shocked.
He started to cough and Jimin panicked and patted his back.

"Ji-Jimin you do know that's a big responsibility right?" He held onto my wrists, gently, and looked me in the eyes. Jimin looked down, not wanting to look at Yoongi.

"I...I know Yoongi, but I mean, we're both busy all the time and we don't have time for one another. I think if we have a kid, we can work together as a family again. Lately you've been busy as Lieutenant and you've been coming home late, I'm just here in the library with nothing much to do."

That was a lie. He was usually out with his group when Namjoon needed something, but it did get boring at times and Jimin had to admit, he was getting bored and sloppy.

"Jimin, let-let me think about this first okay?"

Jimin's heart felt heavy now. Jimin would be lying if he said that he didn't want to cry at that moment.

Instead of telling Yoongi his feelings, he just smiles and nods.

"Alright Hyung, I'll give you time to think about it."

Jimin only calls Yoongi, 'Hyung' when he's upset or when he doesn't want to start an argument.

Yoongi keeps his mouth shut.
"I'm...I'm gonna go back to the storage and fill in the shelves with new books."

Jimin gave Yoongi a quick kiss to the forehead and left.
"Aish Yoongi, you fucked up big time."

Yoongi said to himself as he rubs his eyes.

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