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I ducked underneath the table. Shots were fired and I groaned at how this was ruining my day.

"It's supposed to be at home! With my boyfriend! Not here!"
I pulled down my mask and started to shoot. My suit hugged my body tightly while I moved.

"Stop shouting and keep shooting!" Jimin said as he fired his pink guns at the infiltrators.

I question why I gave Jose to Jimin in the first place? His bright Gucci jacket sparkled in the rays of moonlight that entered the room. Illuminating a deadly, pink, angel.

"Yah! Have some respect." I kept shooting, not even looking at the others in the room.

"Stop arguing you two!" Jungkook said as he entered the room, throwing multiple knives wearing his 'creative' mask of a rabbit.

Terrifying really.
"You're on to talk!" Jimin said.
He ran towards one of the masked men and kicked him in the face, his agility being the main component in helping us in this situation.

The phone suddenly started to ring and my eyes widened when I saw the name and photo that popped up from the screen.

It was a photo of Jin and I with the name 'Jinnie 💖'

"Shit!" I said, for a moment Jungkook looked at me, but turned back to the enemy, punching him in the face.
I answered the call making sure I was far enough.

"Hi sweetie!"

"H-Hey Jinnie!"

"You okay babe? You sound tired."

"Yes I'm fine, I was just-taking a nap." I shoot three bullets at the remaining men in the room.

"What was that?"

"Oh, I took a nap at the employee's lounge and the TV is open!"

I could tell that Jin was suspicious now.
"There's a tv in the room now? That's new."

The last body finally dropped to the floor and Jimin and Jungkook had to take a breather.

"Well alright, at least you're resting, anyways what do you want for dinner?"

"Anything you make is delicious baby, I'll be home in an hour!"

"Alright, I love you." Jin said, a smile adamant in the tone of his voice.

"I love you too."
Namjoon presses the red button and ended the call.

Bodies upon bodies were stacked on the floor, the carpet stained with a red color. Namjoon groaned that he had to change the carpet for the third time this week.
"You're cleaning this up." I pointed to Jimin and Jungkook.

"Alright Hyung!" Jungkook nods and walks towards the bodies. Jimin groans.

"But I have to get home and see-" he cuts himself off, biting his lip.

I asked him, walking closer.

"It's nothing, I'll help Kook with the bodies, I'm calling Mark to clean up the mattress." His voice was plain and walked towards Jungkook as he lifted two bodies on his shoulders with no problem.

I shook my head, thinking Jimin was having his mood swings again. I sat on my table, placing my guns down and inspecting the room.
None of the walls had bullet holes, thankfully; there were a lot of bullets laying around the room though.

I turned to turn on the lights and the room was lit now. I can see some indentations of blood on the wall, but nothing Mark and BamBam can't clean.

The phone suddenly started ringing again. I looked at it seeing the words 'S.U.G.A' pop up on screen.
I looked to see if Jimin or Jungkook were still inside, seeing them out of sight, I accept the call, speaking in English.

"You know you aren't supposed to call me when your lover is working right?" I chuckle as I spoke to him.

"I don't care, I just want to know if he's alright."

I look over to Jimin and see him still in sour mood. His eyebrows furrowed and lips bitten.

"Yup, he looks mad. What did you do Hyung?" I crossed my arms as I balanced my phone on my cheek and shoulder.

"Aish, he was talking about kids Namjoon. Kids! I didn't know how to respond."
He said loudly, I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"Well it's not my place Hyung, you need to make up with him though."

"I know. Don't tell him I called you okay? He'll get mad at me."

"Okay, bye Hyung."

"Bye Joon."

Now, Yoongi-Hyung didn't work for me, sadly. When Jimin started working for me in the library, He asked me to keep an eye on Jimin and always update him. Yoongi-Hyung was very overprotective of his husband.

I ended the call and placed my phone down. The stent has of blood was in the air but I paid no mind to it, it was therapeutic really.

"I called Mark and BamBam, they're on their way." Jimin said as he pocketed his phone. I nodded and mumbled a 'thank you' as I stood and took my coat from the rack. Which I was grateful that it was ripped during the fight.

"Where are you going?" Jimin asks me, folding his arms. His leather pants hugging his figure tightly as he leaned his weight on one of his legs.

"Home, obviously, my boyfriend is waiting for me," I looked down and saw Jimin's wedding ring.

"And you should too." I said, smiling.
"Did he call you?" Jimin asked, a sneer on his thick lips.

"No, it was just Jackson, that's all."
I wear my coat, making sure there was no blood and reach for the rounded classes in my pocket.

"Well, I'm leaving, close up the shop for me Jimin." He nodded and I waved goodbye.

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