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He took off his glasses, rubbing his sore eyes. He's been looking through paper work for 9 hours now. Jackson was playing on his phone, Mark was sleeping on the sofa and the others were doing god knows what. 

BamBam was beside him, looking at him with a sympathetic look as he himself was fixing a stack of papers himself. Namjoon's wrist was hurting and his mouth was dry. He hasn't stood from his chair since the moment he sat down. His butt was starting to hurt and become numb. 

"Namjoon-ah, go take a break!" Jaebum said as he pulled at Namjoon's head rest on his chair. the leader forcing the younger off of his chair. Jinyoung nodded and took his keys and wallet. "Go outside and relax! Singapore isn't going anywhere!" 

They moved to Singapore earlier this year, leaving the Paris connecting business in trusted hands. He was lucky that Got7 allowed him to stay with them. He was lucky that he had amazing friends like him. 

"Go out and enjoy! Don't come back until we see a smile on your face!" The leader pushed him out of his own office and left him there at the hallway without letting the younger say a word. 

"Oh well..." He checked his phone, it was currently 5:00pm, so he decided to call onto a driver and waited downstairs. 

He taped his foot impatiently. The car was supposed to be there 10 minutes ago. 'Where is it?' Namjoon said to himself as he checked his watch.

There was a sound of tires skidding on the road not too far. His ears perked and he looked at the source of the noise. There was his car, speeding, too fast for Namjoon's taste. The car was so close to him and he shielded his face with his arms.

But there was no collision, just a loud honk of a horn.

He looked up and saw his limo, with two people in the front. The roof window opened and there came out a boy with thick brown locks, and that familiar smile he hasn't seen in years. 



The said boy exited the limo and ran towards his Hyung. He was so short when he left, now he was his height and he can now look directly in his eyes. He hugged him so tightly, tears falling out of the older's eyes. 

"Yu-Yup! it's me Hyung!"

Namjoon noticed a blue headed figure leaving the limo's driver side. 
"Hey, I'm here too!" 

He joined the duo's hug and all three of them let out happy tears. The leader hasn't seen them in 3 years, nor contacted because he was scared that he could get tracked, or worse, endanger them. 

"How did you two find me?"

"We had a little help." Jungkook looked up at the building. Namjoon raised his eyebrow and followed to what Jungkook was looking at. He saw 7 men on the window cheering and smiling, but when they saw Namjoon looking at them, they all ran away from the window, hearing Jackson's faint scream as they did. 

"Aish, that group." 

"Did you miss us Hyung?" Taehyung said, his boxy smile in full view. "Everyday." Namjoon replied, patting the younger's head. 

"Why didn't you message us Hyung? You could've sent a letter!" Jungkook whined. He may have grown older, and obviously buffer. But he was still the young boy he raised. 

"Because, I didn't want to risk you two getting caught. Sending Jin letters were risky enough."

"You-You sent him letters?"

Namjoon nodded. 
"Everyday. I write at least one letter or poem for him."

"God, you're still whipped for him"

"I have been for the past 8 years."

Namjoon's smile dropped though, he wiped his tears. 
"Now is not the place to talk, come on get in the limo. Taehyung i'll give you the address, you drive." Namjoon said as he entered the vehicle. 

"He never changed," Taehyung chuckles as he gets in the car, Jungkook tailing behind him. "he is still the same Hyung we know and love."

He says, looking at the younger boy. Jungkook nodded and gave Taehyung a quick peck, leaning down as he did so. "We'll tell him the surprise later." Taehyung nodded, hiding the golden band around his finger. 

"He'll freak out, let's get it on tape." Jungkook laughed, but nodded at his fiancé. 
"Yeah, let's..."

-Time Skip-

The two sat on Namjoon's clean white sofa as the eldest brewed tea for the 3 of them. His style has not changed one bit. There were plants littered around the room, like his own little botanic garden. There were terrariums, cacti, monsteras. It was all very beautiful.

With the white walls and furniture, all of the plants popped out, giving a beautiful homey feeling. 

"Tea?" The two looked up at the eldest holding onto a tray, his hands secured underneath. "Yes please, thank you." Taehyung said, helping the other with the tray. 

Namjoon sat comfortably on the other end sofa, facing the two. He noticed the two were sitting rather close to one another, smiling to himself, he knew what was going on between them. 

"So, what brings you two to suddenly visit lil old me?" He said as he drank his tea. 
"Well Hyung, we missed you a lot. When Mark Hyung asked us if we wanted to visit you one day, we obviously had to say yes!" Jungkook said, he held onto Taehyung's hand as he did.

"And we wanted to actually tell you something.." Taehyung said, a blush forming on his cheeks. Namjoon smirked. 

"What is it?" Namjoon said, his smile was hard to keep in, he was biting the inside of his cheeks as he did. 

Taehyung lifted his left hand, showing a golden ring band with diamonds around it. Namjoon's smile was so wide that his cheeks was hurting. 

"We're engaged." 

Namjoon jumped up and hugged the two, dropping his cup in the process. Yet Namjoon's mind was filled with wedding plans. "I'm so happy for both of you!"
Jungkook was so happy that his Hyung, his father figure, was accepting of his engagement. 

"I love you two so much. I'll pay for the wedding!" Namjoons said as he looked at the two. Taehyung giggled and Jungkook rolled his eyes. "You can help with the planning, but we have another question for you Hyung."

Namjoon raised his brow.
Jungkook let go of Taehyung's hand. He kneeled in front of his Hyung.

"Will you be our best man?"

"Both of you?"

"Yeah! We wanted you to be our best man since you raised us to who we are now Hyung!" Namjoon smiled and nodded his head. 

"Yes, i'll be your best man!"

He loved the life he was living, but it felt so incomplete without him...

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