super besties (prequel)

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It was our highschool year, we were seniors when things starts to get confusing.

We were getting out of Damien's car, it was his first car, his father gave it to him. It might be a secondhand but Damien is nothing but grateful.

"Hey. I'm gonna go to Jean's party later with Aaron" I said to him
"Ohh okay. I have an audition later so I'm not able to go to the party."
"Shit. Your audition is today. I'm sorry, I forgot. "
"It's fine"

"Hey pretty lady." Aaron approached me.

He puts his arm onto my waist.

"Bye Damien. I'll just see you later " I waved at him

"I can't believe you won't let me fetch you and you still go here with that Damien dude" Aaron said
"Because my parents doesn't know you yet. And Damien is my childhood bestfriend, there's nothing to worry about." I explained.

The day went by and it's time to go the party. We were at Jean's house. I'm not really used with parties so I sat in the couch while Aaron and his friends are drinking.

"Goodluck with your audition. Sorry I couldn't be there." I texted Damien

"It's okay. Have fun." He texted back.

"Here have a drink." Aaron gave me a red cup.

I took a sip. I didn't like the taste of alcohol and what can it do to you. We were playing games, dancing and drinking. Until Aaron pulled me upstairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, we entered a room; Jean's room, I assume.

He starts to kiss me and I pushed him away.

"I don't want to do this" I said
"Oh come on babe." He said and kissed me again.

I was leaning against the door and he was holding both of my hands. I tried to resist but he was controlling me. He was touching me but I'm trying to push him away. Until I waited for the right time, I bit his lip and kick him in the balls. He let go of me and I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I was crying, I don't know what to do. He starts to violently knock on the door and screamed to open the door up.

I called Damien.

"Damien" I said inbetween my sobs
"Are you crying? What's happening?"
"I'm in Jean's bathroom. Aaron's is going crazy. Please help me. He's banging the door right now. I don't know what to do." I explained.

"Just calm down. I'm coming, okay." The call ended. I clutched my phone near my chest and start taking deep breaths.

I'm so scared. I don't know what Aaron is capable of doing to me. I sat in the bathub.

I hugged myself. He didn't stop screaming until I heard a loud thud.

Screaming between two men and then it's gone.

"Y/n open up. This is Damien"

I opened up the door and I hugged him. I felt safe now I'm in his arms. 

"It's okay. You're safe now." Damien said

He took my hand, "now let's go before he wakes up."

We ran to his car and drove me to my house.

"Thank you, Damien" I said
"I'll always be here for you."
"What happened with your audition?"
"I-I-I didn't finished it."
"Oh no. I'm so sorry. I made you miss your audition."
"It's okay. I don't like the roles that they're giving me anyway."

He opened the door for me and I stepped out of his car.

"Thank you so much, Damien. I don't know what would I do without you." I hugged him

"You know that I'm always here for you and I know you will do the same thing for me." He hugs me back.

We let go of each other and I kissed him on the cheek.

"Goodnight." I said and went inside.

It was a terrible night and I'm glad Damien was there to save me.

The next morning, we were walking down the hallway to our classroom when Aaron and his group blocked us.

"So. Here comes the slut and his nerdy boyfriend." Aaron mocked

"How dare you call me a 'slut' when you were the one who's touching me even though I said no." I said

"You did that? You said you caught her cheating?" Jean turned to Aaron
"What? You're such a fucking liar. That punch wasn't enough to wake you up. Huh?" Damien was turning all red.

"Not cool, Aaron. You are such a dick." His friends said and left him all by himself.
"You gonna do me like that? Just like that?" Aaron threw up his arms while shouting to his friends.

"I'm sorry, y/n for what happened last night. I didn't know he did that to you." Jean said to me.

Jean is very nice to me since that incident and next thing you know I dated her for three months but we had to stopped it because it was complicated. My only reason for dating is because I want to forget him, my feelings for him but that's gonna be hard because he's always around for me. And besides it's hard to date a bestfriend, when things don't work out, you will lose a partner and a friend  who actually cares about you.

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