B m9?

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So I'm already three seasons in B99 in just two days. Unhealthy, right? And I got inspired with Jake and Amy's lovestory.

Bear with me guys, school year has already started so I might be updating rarely. But I'll try my best to write on weekends. If you have any request or suggestions, you can always talk to me. Lovelots.

I'm currently reading my script for the next scene when Damien approached me.

"Hey." He greeted me.

I didn't look at him, I pretended that he wasn't there. Yes, it's bitchy but there's a reason for me to do that. A couple weeks ago, he confessed to me. He said that he liked me while I'm still going out with John. Damien knew that I liked him but I dated John to move on and now he's here to say that he likes me. Great, just great.

"Look. I'm sorry what I said to you. I don't want to ruin your relationship with John but ---"
"We broke up" I cut him off.

"What? Why?"
"He wasn't happy. I'm not happy." Still looking to my script.

"And besides, I have a new rule now. No dating co-workers." I added

"That's cool. Okay. I'm just gonna see you later."

He left and went to the other side of the room. I still like him, I still do. But what am I gonna do? This is going to ruin my career.

"Y/n and Damien" the producer called out.

I got up from my chair. I fixed my clothes for the scene.

"Okay. 24, B, take 1. Action"

I took a deep breath since it's a heavy scene.

"I'm so sorry but this is what I feel. You cannot take this away from me." Damien held my shoulder.

I removed his grip and turned around from him.

"But I can take away myself from you." I acted
"Deep inside, you know what you feel."
"Which is full of hatred and disgust." I spatted
"For once, Gina. Follow your heart."

He went infront of me just like what the script says.

"Please" he held both of my cheeks.

He leaned his face on mine and kissed me. I know it's just an acting but I want to do it again and again. Oh no, this is bad. I think I'm really into him, like really bad. My feelings is back again but this time there's more.

"And cut"

We departed.

"Just to clarify, this is nothing between us, this is work." I said
"Yeah yeah." he put his hands on his pockets.

"Damien and y/n. Stay where you are. Damien say your last dialouge and kissed again." The director said.

We both nodded.

"Kissing Scene, take 2"

"Please" he cupped my cheeks again and kissed me.

I was savouring the moment.

"And cut" the director yelled.

"You guys are natural." The director said.

I gave him a smile and asked if all of my scene is done.

"Thank you guys." I said before I leave the room.

I entered the elevator, my plan for the rest of the day is to relax. I went inside the squad room and laid on the couch. I closed my eyes, trying to sleep.

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