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I looked at him from a far and I didn't realize that I was spacing out. Daydreaming of him and I.

When I got back from reality, I saw him waving at me. Maybe he is trying to gain my attention. Regardless, I didn't wave back and turned my sight to Matt who is talking about the new project.

The meeting ended and I didn't understand anything, I spaced out half of the time. I went to the break room after.

I laid on the couch before  Keith does. It's not fair, he's always hogging the couch, it's my turn now.

I looked at the other side of the glass wall, following Damien with my eyes. I see him as he speak with the new employee.

I quickly changed my position as he starts to look at me. Hiding the fact that I was stalking him. I took the nearest thing I can grab, a magazine.

"Are you looking at me?" He asked.

I lowered the magazine enough to see him.

"Me?" I asked
"Yes. You." He said
"No. As you can see, I'm reading." I looked at the cover.

"Jew Com." I read, damn must be Noah's.
"So you're interested with jewish now?" He asked
"Why? They have interesting articles."

He didn't answer but walked to the other side of the room; to Shayne and Courtney. I was hooked by the magazine and decided to read it, for reals.

Minutes later, they stood up.

"Wanna get lunch?" Shayne asked me

I looked at Damien, who is clearly annoyed by my presence.

"I'm not hungry and I need to finish this magazine." I said
"Suit yourself " he said and they left.

Minutes later, I started to get hungry. I decided to go down and go to the nearest food chain. While getting inside, I bumped on someone.

"I'm sorry " I immediately reacted.

"Y/n?" The person asked

I looked at that person, "David?"
"You didn't change at all. You still look beautiful." He said

"Oh stop it." I playfully punched him on the shoulder.

Long story short, he joined me at eating lunch. We talked about the times we're in college and what do we do now.

"Y/n. Didn't know you were here." Someone said

I turned around and saw the trio.

"I got hungry." I said.

"By the way, David, this is my friends or co-workers. I don't know." I said
"Damien, Shayne and Courtney." I pointed at them one by one.

"Guys this is David. My college friend." I introduced him.
"That's ex boyfriend, not friend. Hi" David said

I was afraid of saying he was my ex but he beat me to it.

"Okay fine. My ex boyfriend" I raised my hands in defeat.
"Wait. Is this the David that you were talking about? The no break up thing?" Courtney asked

I nodded.

"Yeah. We didn't break up. So we're still together." David joked.

"Well. We'll leave you two. Bye. Nice meeting you, David. Y/n, see you at the office." Shayne said and they walked away.
"That guy is glorious." David said once they're far.
"Shayne?" I asked
"Yes but the tall one is more glorious. Girlll"

"I know right."

His gayness are now showing.

"Why did you mention that you were my ex. I thought we had an agreement that we are just friends" I asked
"Gurlll. If you see the face of the tall dude--mm- he clearly is jealous." He said while snapping his fingers.
"Yeah. No. His face is just like that, it's natural when he looks at me or get near me. His face would turn grumpy." I explained.

David crossed his arms, "Gurl, I don't think so. We don't have the same signs as you straight people but the way he looked at you --mm-- he just wanna tap that ass."

"Stop, we're in public." I tried to shushed him.

After having lunch with David, I went back to the office. We don't have much to do today.

"Y/n" Courtney pulled me towards them.
"What is it?" I asked
"I need dits about David."
"About what?"

She pushed me to the couch, making me sit beside Damien, I can instantly feel his eyes rolling at me.

"There's nothing to tell. I told you everything."
"What is it like to be with him?" She asked, stroking my hand.
"Well he's fun to be with, chatty, and I definitely feel loved when I'm with him." I looked at Damien.

Then I looked at Courtney, "but past is past, we're not for each other."

Just like I thought, Damien stood up and walked away. He slammed down the door.

"What's up with that?" She asked.

"Excuse me for one sec." I followed him.

I caught him on the hallway, I ran to try to catch up with him.

"Hey. Damien." I called out.

But he didn't turn around, not even an inch.

"Damien" I called out again.

"What is your problem?" I asked

He still didn't stop until he reached a flight of stairs and I followed him. We were on the rooftop.

"This is dead end, Damien. Just talk to me please." I said
"Why are you like this?" I asked

He didn't turn around or talk. I guess it's my time to say all of the things I wanted to say.

"You know, you are so unfair." I said, I tried to stop my tears. But feelings are rushing outside my body.

"You said you like me then you're ignoring and now you're mad at me. Have you ever considered what I feel?" I said

He's still not turning around.

"We're making out and the next thing I know, you're all mad at me for no apparent reason. Do you know how hurt I was?" My face is now streaming with tears.

"Didn't know you feel that way." He finally turned around.

I tried to wipe my tears.

"I'm mad because I thought it's just a make out and no feelings were attached. I just--" he stopped

"I wanna be with you forever." He continued

"You could have ask me." I wiped my tears.

He approached me and touched my cheeks, wiping the excess tears on my face.

"I was all worried that you will be mad at me forever " I said
"I can't do that. I can't resist being mad at you." His face got closer to mine, our foreheads were touching.

"I'm sorry, y/n."
"I'm sorry if I'm needy."
"I'm sorry if I say sorry way too much." He said

His lips met mine, it was the most passionate kiss.

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