my boo

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I'm working at a coffee shop near my university. It's just a part-time job. Even though I hate it, I have to. I got accepted for scholarship but I still need to pay for my needs. Where's my parents? They're alive, well and actually rich but I don't want to depend my life to them like my brother who always get what he wants.


I looked up from my book that I was studying.

"What can I get you?" I asked.

It's our regular customer that I have a crush on. Black hair, brown eyes and cherry lips.

"The usual" he said
"One epresso and a bagel it is." I smiled at him.

I took his card and swiped it on the computer. I prepared his order. Once I was done. I called him out. "One espresso and bagel for Damien"

"Thank you." He said as he took his order.

He also studies at my university. I see him everywhere. He's the current vice-president of student org., an active member of the debate club and any activites you could have think of, he's probably a member and he's a generous tipper. Well me. I'm a running candidate for magna cum laude and I don't really enjoy clubs and everyone calling my name. So I tend to have few friends and they're usually the quiet ones.

Damien always sit at his favorite spot, outside. Far left to door, mainly because it's not too expose to sunlight and has right amount of wind. And when it's raining. He sits inside the shop, on the corner, far right of the counter.

We do have a books that customer's can borrow. I suggested it, of course. His favorite one is probably the common one, the Harry Potter series.

And in 1 hour his friends will pick him up and walk their way to the university. He has been in the shop a lot of times, I remembered his moves and spots.

"Can you cover for me tomorrow?" My co-worker, Sam asked.
"I can't. It's my midterms." I answered without breaking my eye from my book.

"How about this Saturday?"
"Fine." I rolled my eyes at him.

He's off girl hunting as always.

Midterms came by and it was bloody like a battlefield. My brain was squeezed to death. And I still have to work.

"Goodmorning." I greeted the owner as she fixed the table.
"How's your exam?" she asked.

The coffee shop owner, Carol is so nice to us. I just can't explain how grateful I am to be her employee.

"You should be resting. Sam is so cruel to have you working." She said.
"It's okay. Besides, I don't have anything to do today."
"Okay. I'll be gone for an hour. You can handle the shop by yourself?"
"Yup. I'm good." I gave her a smile.

I was cleaning one of the tables when I heard the bell rang, signaling that someone opened the door.

"Welcome to Beans & Blossoms." I greeted as I turned around.

It was Damien. I rushed to the counter.

"The usual?" I asked.
"Lemme try something new." He said

"I'll have an americano and the red velvet." He stroke his chin.
"Okay. Would you like to try our special today? Peach scone"
"I'll take one."

"And can you add a cookie." He added.
"Someone's stressed out with midterms." I joked.

He laughed at me, it's not that even funny but seeing him laugh makes me happy. He sat inside which is unsual. I prepared his order. And instead of calling him, I took it to his table.

"One americano, red velvet, cookie and a scone." As I placed his order to the table.

"Thank you" he said.

I took care of the other customers. It's kinda packed because it's saturday but nothing that I can't handle. I returned to the counter and noticed a card. I look at the name, Damien Haas.

"Shit." I muttered.

I looked at the shop if he was still there. I don't know where to find him. I hid it in my wallet and maybe after my shift, I'll give it to him.

My shift was over, I took my jacket and proceeded to the dorm.

"Hey. Do you know Damien Haas?" I asked my classmate from Philosophy when I bumped her in the hallway.

"Of course."
"Do you know his room number?" I asked
"214. He's a roommate of my ex boyfriend."
"Thank you."

214 was all she have to say. I went to room 214 and knocked on the door.

"Hey" Damien greeted as he opened it.
"Hi. You forgot your debit card in the shop." I took it from my wallet and handed it to him.

"Thank you so much. I didn't notice." He said

"Who you talking to?" Someone said from the inside.

The guy took a peek "you might want to introduce me to her." Giving me a wink.

"This is Jorge." Damien pointed at the guy.
"Y/n" I said.
"You his girl?" Jorge asked.

"No no. I'm just returning something." I answered.
"Okay good."

"I-I-- I'll go now." I said
"I'll walk you to your dorm." Damien offered.

I hesitated at first but he insisted like hell so I agreed. My dormitory is separated to his building. So we have to walk maybe  a half of football field to go there.

"I didn't know you work on weekends." He opened the conversation.
"I just covered a shift for my co-worker."
"I'm gonna be honest with you."

I looked at him, "what is it?"

"I have a huge crush on you. That's why I go to the shop everyday eventhough I don't like coffee that much."

"Wow. That's dedication." I said.
"You don't think that's creepy, right?"
"No. Of course not "

"I think it's cute." I added.

We arrived at the front of my room.

"I have a crush on you too" I confessed, hands in my pocket.
"Then it's settled. Date on next saturday night?"

I nodded  and smiled.

"Well. Goodnight." He greeted.
"Goodnight." I entered my room and screamed on my pillow.

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