Chapter 23

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I went inside to grab my phone then I went to the car with the guys. I sit down by suga. I felt like if I sit by Hobi or Jungkook it would be wrong. "What's wrong Leylian?"
I looked at suga, I was sweeting.
"I am fine...well a little nervous"
"Are you sure?"
I wasn't a little nervous I was really nervous because is gonna be my first fan meeting. What if they don't like me? Or everything goes wrong?. much stress.
Jungkook and Hobi looked at me and they both say at the same time "Leylian everything is gonna be fine". I just looked at them with anger eyes because I already had enough with the fan meeting to be dealing with this two jerks.
Minutes later and we arrived to the Fan meeting. When I enter I was even more nervous. The only ones there where the people that help us and us.
"Let's go Leylian!"
I looked to see who was talking and it was Taehyung.
Taehyung grabbed my hand and we started running to go to the backstage. When we got there I was really tired of running,Taehyung too. I was almost out of breath. When I felt a warm hand on my back. I looked and it was Jungkook. Ugh why does this?!. I just ignore him and took his hand out of my back. He looked at me confused. He was gonna say something but he got interrupted by one of the staff.
"Leylian, can you come with us, we need to chose your close"
I went with the lady and she was giving me some options of close.
Jungkook POV
I think Leylian is mad at me or something. That look on her eyes I never seen that look before on her.
I don't even know why I told her I like her. Well I do but I don't know I am confused because I think that some part of me is still on IU. I know we broke up but I still love her a little bit. With Leylian is different I do love her but I don't know if is love of dating or love of a friend and I think that Leylian is hiding something. When she was on the car she looked really nervous. I don't think is just because of the fan meeting. She's hiding something.
Leylian POV
The staff where doing my makeup I already changed of clothe. They just need to finish my makeup and my hair.
"We Don't need to put a lot of makeup your really pretty.."
"Oh thank you"
The staff where so nice with me. They finished my makeup and now they where gonna do my hair. 4 minutes later and they finished my hair.
"We Don't need to do much in your hair is already pretty"
The staff where done with em so I went with the guys.
"Princess you look beautiful"
"Thanks Omma"
The staff came and and said that we go up there on 5 minutes.
"Ok Leylian this is how is gonna work. We are gonna go then we talk a little bit then we mention you and you come, you present your mal and we start sining ok?"
"Ok RM"
The staff came and said that they are gonna go up in 3 minutes. I was getting more and more nervous. Hobi notice it and grabbed my arm and told me to go with him. I just went with him. We where going to a place where practically no one was there except us.
"Leylian What's wrong!"
"Huh?...nothing just the fan meeting"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah Hobi"
Hobi got closer to me and kiss me. I know is wrong that I haven't told him but I just can't break his heart like this. I followed the kiss. We separated when we heard the staff calling Hobi.
"You have to go"
"I don't want to"
He kiss me again and left.
What am I doing I am just making this situation worst.

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