Chapter 34

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We separated from each other then we looked at each other.
"Leylian I like you.."
"Jungkook...I like you too"
He kissed me again.
"But...we have to keep it a secret.."
"Wh-..oh the CEO"
"Don't worry I will keep it a secret.."
"And the guys?"
"We have to tell them...they maybe can help us so the CEO doesn't find out.."
I was so happy at the moment I finally wants confused anymore!!
We stood up and Jungkook went to the pool and grabbed some water and throw it at me.
I went to the pool and grabbed water and throw it at him. 6 minutes we finished playing. I enter to the house and took and shower to change. I called Daniela so she can pick me up. 3 minutes later she came to the house.
Jungkook and Hobi saw her and quickly cover on the middle of their crotch.
"Hi guys!.."
"Well guys I am leaving...bye.."
Before I left Jungkook came and hug me. I just smiled and blow him a kiss.
Then I left with Daniela. We enter to the car.
"What was that Leylian?..."
"What was what?"
"Are you dating with Jungkook!"
"How did you know?"
"Girl I know you better than you do yourself.."
"Well yeah I am dating with Jungkook"
"I am glad for you!"
"But weren't you confused?"
"Yeah...but when he kissed me..I felt a thousand things inside me.."
I just smiled and blush.Daniela turn in the act and started driving.
3 minutes later we arrived to the mall.
"Here we are!"
We got down the car and we enter to the mall. We started to enter to stores.
"Oh look at this one Leylian...I like it.."
"Oh it looks beautiful...try it.."
Daniela entre to the dressing room and put the dress.

"Daniela entre to the dressing room and put the dress

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That's how the dress looks like.
"Wow you look awesome.."
"Are you going to buy it?"
"Yeah I really like it..."
Daniela went back to the dressing room to take of the dress. She payed the dress then we left. Then, we enter to another store. We where looking when I saw a beautiful dress.
"Daniela I like that one.."
"Go and get it.."
I got them I went to the dressing room and put it on.

"I got them I went to the dressing room and put it on

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I looks like that.
When Daniela she surprised.
"Wow you look beautiful.."
"My baby is growing so fast.."
"Oh shut up I am bigger than you"
Daniela just smiled at me. I payed the dress. We where going out of the store when a girl came to us.
"Can I take a pic with you?"
Daniela and I went with the little girl and took a pic.
"Thank you so much.."
"No problem sweetheart"
She smile and left.
"Well that was cute.."
We got out of the mall and went to the car. 5 minutes later Daniela left me at my house.
"Bye...see you on the party"
"Ok bye.."
I enter to the house but I didn't see no one.
That's strange..
"On the kitchen princes.."
I enter to the kitchen and the guys where eating.
"Oh here your.."
"Did you find something you like?"
"Can we see it?"
"Because I said so.."
I looked but Jungkook wasn't there.
"Where is Jungkook?"
"He is upstairs.."
"Oh ok..."
I went upstairs and went to Jungkook's room.
"Oh hey.."
"What you doing?"
"Just texting a friend..."
"Well I just came to say hi..."
"Did you bought something?"
"Let me see it.."
"What? Why?.."
"Because I said so.."
Jungkook was coming to with intentions of getting the bag that i had with the dress. I got out of the room before he grabbed the bag.
"Your not gonna see it.."
"Oh yeah.."
Jungkook started chasing me.
"I told you no!"
"Well I don't care.."
I got to my room and close the door but I am so stupid that I didn't locked it. Jungkook came in.
I quickly hide the bag with the dress.
"Where is the bag?.."
"What bag?"
Jungkook got close to me to see if it was behind me.
"Is not there.."

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