Part 25

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Billie's POV

y/n and I decided to finally head down to the rest. some people left but only our really close friends were there.

as we head to the living room area there was white smoke literally everywhere, the smell was so strong and intense that we started coughing "what the fuck is going on" I say loudly.

I see Isaac and Malik hitting joints with the others, Elijah passed out on the couch he was really wasted. "What the fuck is going on" I yell, "y'all can't do this shit in my place, it's enough I let you bring a few bottles of drinks" I kept yelling but no one seemed to care because they were either too high or too drunk. "relax Billie its just weed," Mika says smiling with her red eyes.

I was so pissed this is just so disrespectful, I've organized all this shit for y/n and this how they act. Khalid appears out of the blue "what's wrong bil" he asked me, "look at this shit man, this is the fucking last time I'll ever invite these idiots" I spit, "they're making everyone here smoke and fucking look at Elijah" "can someone help Elijah out" I yell loudly but still no one seems to be giving two flying fucks.

I lean over the wall and pull out the plug of the speakers and finally achieved to gather everyone's attention. "Yea okay fuck all of y'all, this party is fucking over, take your fucking drugs out of my fucking place right now" I shout in anger.

"Yoo chill out bil, we're just having a little fun" Allen laughs with Malik. "This is not fun, this is crossing the line because I'm sure Billie said no smoke in her house" y/n clears the air.

"Fuck it I'm out," Isaac says disrespectfully, "help your fucking brother" I stop him. "He's your problem" then walks out with Malik and Allen.

"Fucking dickheads" drew spits, "it's okay bil I'll help you clean this mess," high Mika says, but I took her to the couch to lay down, she was clearly tired so I got a blanket and covered her up. drew, zoe, Khalid, y/n were the only sober ones awake, y/n's friends were dead asleep in the guest room.

"I'll go for Elijah," y/n says, "fine babe if you need any help I'll be here cleaning this mess". meanwhile, Zoe was too pissed to handle anyone and decides to swim outside, she was definitely not okay.

I head outside to her, wanting to clear shit with her "hey Zoe" I say softly, she lifts her eyes up and gives an awkward smile. "Listen I'm sorry about earlier, I don't know what has gotten in me, I just wanted to try but.," I say.

"Yea I get it, and to be honest I was trying to enjoy what was going on but I just realized shit was too weird anyway, it's way better if we remain friends" she replies rolling her eyes. I felt so bad that things are never gonna be the same, she's my childhood friend, She's been there throughout the thick and thin in my whole life, and the fact that some shit like this happened fucked up everything we had, I can never look at her the same. I love Zoe so much, and I didn't know how she was exactly feeling about what happened.

I just hope she really meant what she said.

I just hope she really meant what she said

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I tried hitting Eli's face gently to wake him up but he was dead asleep. "Eli stop snoring and wake the fuck up, I help you out" I whisper to him trying to make him open his eyes. "I feel sick," he says, so I immediately pulled him to the bathroom. He kneeled down and started throwing up so much, "shit man you drank so much," I say as I pad his back and realize how much his vomit stinks.

Then he gets up feeling a little better but his shirt and pants were dirty, he literally puked all over himself even though I tried to avoid him from doing that. "You need a good shower," I say to him in disgust as I take off his shirt and pants. it seemed weird but I couldn't let him sleep in his stinky vomit, plus it was literally everywhere. I didn't try to take off his boxers because that'll be crossing the line.

I pushed him in the shower and got in with him, trying to turn on the tap and adjust the temperature. Elijah then places his hands on my waist, I turn around and look up his face, and he looked really good and sexy from up close. he even kept biting his pink lips. "Eli what are you doing" I whisper, "shhh Billie, we don't want y/n to hear us". What the fuck is this idiot saying I think to myself, "dude I'm not" he didn't even let me finish my sentence and says "I like You bil I really do, I've always had a thing for you" he smiles.

"dude I'm y/n," I say loudly. He then opens his eyes wide "omg I.. look..".

"Yeah fuck that Eli you already said what you said, come on let me clean you up" I laugh as I finally open the water soaking him up then rubbing his chest with some soap. " we are for sure going to have this conversation tomorrow" I chuckle as I see his face going red in embarrassment.

"Please don't tell Billie," he begs, "hahaaaaa man you thought I was Billie and literally spat that shit to me" I tease him and continue laughing. "No I'm serious y/n please don't tell Billie" he repeats.

"don't tell Billie what," Billie asks while standing in the door with a suspicious face. I gave her a skeptical laugh and say "i can't tell you, he told me to keep it a secret". she stares at me for a minute straight trying to understand what's going on, "Yea why is he naked again?" She crosses her eyes. I then point to his clothes on the floor that was filled with vomit.

she still walks around giving me all types of looks and says, "I'll take care of those" as she picks the dirty clothes from the ground and leaves.

"Why did you say that to her, now shell keep asking about what we were talking about," Elijah says in distress, "don't worry about it, your secret is safe with me, I can handle Billie," i smile to him.

After that Eli was clean and smelling good I turn off the water and grab a towel, drying him up, "Listen dude take off the wet boxers and cover yourself with the towel, I'll bring it down to the laundry room for Billie to wash with the rest of your stuff" I say and he nods his head.

" I'm not planning on seeing a Willy tonight so you better cover up well" I laugh, making him laugh as well  "don't worry y/n". after that i take him to a second guest bedroom that he'll share with Khalid, "Wait here Eli I'll go search something for you to wear" and head out to me and Billie's room upstairs, and found him some really oversized shorts and t-shirt. I head back down to give it to him as he wears them alone I got him tucked in bed, and as I was leaning to kiss his forehead he grabbed my face and kissed my lips, and I fucking kissed back, I don't why.

"No Eli no" I push him away and as I was walking out to the door, to my surprise I see Billie crossing her arms and gritting her teeth "You liked that?"

"Fuck!!" I say under my breath.

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