Part 29

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y/n POV

its been two days already, no one from the night Billie disappeared left the villa, we all stayed because we were and still are so keen on finding her and but we are running out of time. people only know that Billie was going to be away for a whole week just 7 days however we have only two days before her family and our family starts asking questions, I need to find her before her mother finds out she's missing.

the day we found out she was missing, we all went behind the villa to the parking lot her car was supposed to be but there was nothing at all, the people who took her were too smart to not leave any clue falling behind them. and ever since that day, I haven't been well actually none of us have. I haven't been eating or sleeping, I just can't live without knowing where she is.

we finally got the approval for the prison visitation and luckily it was today, so Denzel drives drew and I straight to prison to finally meet this jerk, Ford. "I'm going to kill him if he's behind all of this," I say to Denzel and drew as anger fills my body like poison. "let's not exaggerate" drew says rolling her eyes

"excuse me what does that have to mean, I'm for sure not like this attitude of your" I lash out at her, I seriously was too stressed and pissed that anything would just fuck up with my mood. "umm, actually I do have a lot to say to you y/n" she yells. I was completely stunned so I cross my eyes at her and say "finish what you have to say about me then,".

"oh really" she turns and looks me in my eyes, "you are the reason my best friend is missing, you are the reason she might die and if she dies I will never forgive you and I will blame you forever," she yells as tears start falling down her face. "alright this is done, both of you stop" Denzel stops the car. "all of us here are suffering enough trying to understand where the fuck Billie is, stop making it harder for me and yourselves please" he shouts looking at both of us angrily, then starts driving again. I was so hurt on what drew said to me, I couldn't believe this is what she thought of me, but maybe she was right, after all, maybe it is my fault that Billie is in danger.

it took a while in the silent car, the prison wasn't near at all but when we finally arrived and got down the car, we seemed in a hurry to go in, "act normal both of you, we are going in a place where there are eyes everywhere, we don't need them suspecting anything," Denzel says. so we head in security first, it was a whole process that maybe took 30 good minutes out of our time limit.

"you may enter the visitation room," an officer says to us, as we enter and sit down on one of the tables there. the room was pretty big, with many other tables all about the same size around the place, there were two vending machines on the corner and many guards on all doors ready for anything. we weren't the only visitors, but there were many other families with children sitting around us waiting for their loved ones, kind of heartbreaking.

about two minutes passed before they brought in inmate Thomas Ford and when he saw my face he had a creepy grin on his face, I hated it, it reminded me of the time I spent with him, bad memories I think to myself as I feel my body fueling up in fear I was so scared. but I seemed to calm and feel safer when Denzel holds my hand tightly with his warm hand "don't worry, you're fine" he whispers, he saw how terrified I was.

the creepy guy finally takes a seat after that the officer uncuffed him, "I got my first visitors ever" he smiles showing off his dirty disgusting teeth, I was too angry to even talk, I wanted to punch that stupid smile off of his face. "what shall I call you? y/n or Lilly" he continues.

"Listen, man, we know you are responsible for billies disappearance, all we want is for you to tell us where you took her or you'll regret this," drew blasts at him quietly. he then turns his head to look at her and drops off the smile in his face, he started to get angry, and immediately before anyone even realizing grabs drew by her neck choking her hard, "she will die, your old friends helped in the plan, and now she will finally die and I will have Lilly back" he shouts as the guards come running, hitting and pulling him from till he breaks off of her neck. "she will die in three days, you will see" he continues to shout as the guards take him away.

drew was traumatized so I quickly got her some water to drink, I felt bad for what he did to her. then a guard comes up to us, "I think its best you leave" he demands.

as the three of us head out to the car I look at them and ask "what did he mean by she will die in three days and our old friends helped in the plan"

"and that he will finally get Lilly back, and Lilly is you" drew adds as she looks at me, "they will kill Billie in three days" Denzel presumes as he looked at us with a worried face, "who are our old friends?" I ask loudly but none of them seemed to have a clue. "it can be anyone, Billie has a lot of haters" drew states. none of this seemed to make any sense, I needed more answers.

Denzel POV

I got the two girls in the car and drove back to the villa, the trip was very quiet making both of them sleep. I took the moment to understand what we can do before letting everyone know about Billie's disappearance, I know maggie would not react well, and if it is true Billie dies in three days then we are fucked and need to come up with something fast.

we finally arrive at the villa, I wake drew and y/n up, and we all then head inside. everyone seemed so concerned specially zoe, we filled everyone with the details but it bummed everyone even more. "I suggest we continue in doing some research on this man, and try to find out whatever," I say making everyone get on either a laptop or phone searching any crap about this man Thomas ford.

then I got on my laptop searching until I find out he has two children, a son, and a daughter. "hey guys I found something" I say loudly grabbing everyone's attention. "he has a son called James ford and a daughter called Valeria ford" I add.

"search them on Instagram, Facebook and twitter" drew yells then minutes later "I found something," Mika says, "James is on Instagram" she adds.

"We need to find out where they live" y/n exclaims.

then we all started dming their followers, "they seem like normal people with normal lives, this Valeria girl is a married woman with children, shes even very active on her account" Elijah states.

"fuck it then I'm dming her to tell her about her dad" y/n blasts, "it's risky" I stop her

"then we need to fucking start taking risks there's no time, what's the worst that can happen" she yells at me, so I let her do what she thinks is right. after about an hour passing by y/n gets a voice call from Valeria via Instagram, "omg answer" Mika says, then y/n answered,

"hey is this y/n?" Valeria asks

"yea it's me, you are Valeria" y/n responds

"I'm so sorry for everything that's going on with you guys, would you please come and meet me, we can talk about this in person, there's so much I need to tell you about my dad that might help your friend," Valeria says

"Okay, I'll let you know" y/n replies then hung up. we all look at her and zoe says "don't tell me you are actually considering going to her".

"I am actually" y/n responds, "I'll risk it i don't care" she adds, and we all know no one can stop her when she makes up her mind.


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