Part 32

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Billies POV

I wake up scared I don't know how long it's been, all I know is that I'm in a moving van, tied up, I kept rolling around since whoever was driving, is driving on high speed. my body hurts, I could taste the blood on my lips. where are these idiots taking me this time I think to myself, I honestly thought I died after q beat up the shit out of me. "why does he want her, he told us we can finish her" I hear daniel's voice, "I don't know all we have to do is follow his orders" q replies to her. it made me think to myself, whose rules are they following, and where the fuck are they taking me, and were they seriously going to kill me?

the van finally stops, I could hear both of them getting off and walking to the back to open the door, I shut my eyes pretending to still be unconscious, daniel opens the door and says "dude she's still out", "yea well Ford will handle that, it's not our problem anymore" he mutters making me grasp, I couldn't believe what he just said, Thomas ford is behind all this bullshit?? the fucking creepy sociopath. I could feel the fear sinking deep inside me, I was trying so hard to control my breathing.

"but he specifically told you not to hurt her in any way," Daniel says to q with a rude tone, "shut the fuck up before I fuck you up just like I fucked her up, don't mess with me daniel" he harshly scolds her and gets in the van to pick me up. I tried opening my eye in the slightest way to see my surroundings as he was carrying me and walking around, I then realized we were in the neighborhood of the villa I rented out for a week, I didn't understand why but a part of me knew for sure that it was no coincidence, they are plotting something.

after entering this an unfamiliar house, q walks up some stairs and daniel opens a door to a small bedroom, as q was gently putting me in bed he took some seconds staring at my face I could feel his negative energy. "wake up" he whispered, "wake up" he repeated but I kept my eyes shut, "what did you do to her" I hear an olds man voice busting down the door yelling, it was the creepy guy. "no sir she's not dead I just.."

"I told you not to touch her" ford punches q in the face then comes to check up on me, "get the fuck out of here, I'll deal with you later fucktard, daniel go get some water down in the fridge," he says as he unties me and covers me with a blanket. I seriously didn't understand what was going on and what his stupid crazy plan was. Daniel then comes back with water the creepy guy takes the bottle from her and tries padding on my cheek, "wake up Billie" he rustled, "I know you're not sleeping" he adds which made my breathing go faster and I finally opened my eyes to look at him. He smiled and asked "thirsty?" I nod my head and take the bottle he was handing me, I drank the whole thing. "Go get cleaned up, there's the bathroom and I prepared some clean clothes for you too," he says then makes his way to the door and gets out. Daniel stood there looking at me "go ahead you heard what the man said".

"Fuck you, all of you, I'm not doing shit" I rage at her, "you don't want me to call him back here, do you?" She says as she comes close to my face, I looked at her in disgust and punched her hard. "Aaaaaa..." she screams, "you fucking Bitch" she screams even louder and jumps on me. I was way stronger so I pined her down to the ground punching on her face, making her bleed. Q comes running from outside and pushes me away from her, then the creepy guy comes inside with a smirk in his face "I always knew you were a tough girl" he says, "but do you know what happens to tough girls when they don't do as I say" he adds making his way to my face, he seemed serious and it scared the living earth out of me, I know what this man was capable of. "Why are you doing this?" I say.

"For multiple reasons Billie" he replies, "first thing, I don't like the fact you're around my daughter" he adds.

"What daughter, I don't even know who your daughter is.." I reply confused, "Lilly... you call her y/n," he says making my heart stop for a second. "But.. she's not your daughter" I tried saying but I suddenly see his eyes widen in anger, he immediately wraps both his hands on my neck pulling me up from the ground and strangling hard. I could see the hatred in his eyes and I couldn't breathe I was dying in his hands. I tried hitting him, I tried to say something, I tried looking over to q and Daniel for help. I was blacking out but then he let's go off of my neck making me fall to the ground. " I'm not going to kill you at least not for now," he says then spits on me.

"How could you call y/n your daughter when you tried to fucking kill her at my show in brazil, whatever fucking plan you're planning I will never let you have her even if it means you would have to kill me," I yell at him making him turn around and pull out a gun pointing it at me. " ow really?" He says. I stop and look at him with tears forming in my eyes, he was about to pull the trigger but then there was a knock in the door downstairs, he looks around and says "That must be them,". I didn't understand who could possibly be coming for a visit in the middle of the night.

"I'll let them in," q says then heads downstairs, at this point the creepy guy was still pointing the gun at me. He grabbed me by the shirt to also go downstairs with Daniel and that's when I see everyone, Khalid, Drew, Mika, Zoe, Elijah, Denzel, and the love of my life y/n. I immediately started to cry, even more, I was so happy to see her face, she was getting emotional too when she saw me, I wanted to hug and kiss on her.


I was shocked to see Billie finally but she didn't look good, she looked skinner and was bleeding all over, there was so much blood on her clothes and it honestly scared me. I looked over at Daniel and q in disbelieve on what they did to her. "No!" I cry, "what did you do to her".

"Surprise," the creepy guys says with a big smile in his face, I saw he was carrying a gun, I was terrified for her life. my poor baby doesn't deserve any of this extra shit. " I tried keeping her well but she's a very troubled tough young lady, of course, q had to do his things with her," the creepy guy chuckles, and it pissed the crap out of me, I wanted to punch that stupid smile he had in his face. "so don't blame me for her face scares" he adds.

The rest of our group seemed so shocked, drew couldn't stop shivering from fear, she and Mika were crying unstoppably. Elijah was furious at q he couldn't believe his own best friend done some crazy shit like this. "How could you man," he says to q.

Q gave him a strange look. "Aren't you ashamed of this, all this for what?" Elijah continues, "vengeance," Khalid says, "stupid revenge" he adds as he gives q a disgusted look.

"What do you want Thomas Ford?" I ask him, "what I always wanted honey or she dies tonight" he replies then pushes Billie to the ground and points the gun on her head. "No" Zoe yells. "Fine fine," I say loudly, "I am your daughter let everyone go please" I add as I come closer to him. "I will be yours completely if you promise to let everyone go soundly," I repeat.

"Y/n what the fuck nooo!!" Billie yells, "I'm sorry," I tell her with tears falling down my face but she was refusing my decision. "Prepare the car then q," Ford says and grabs my arm to head outside to the car, I couldn't even kiss Billie goodbye.

"Nooooooo y/n" she yells trying to run out behind us but the creepy guy immediately pointed the gun to my head, making her stop in fear he does something to me. he pushed me in the van and got in, Daniel got in too and q finally drove away. Billie wanted to stop them but she didn't know how she looked hopeless and it broke me. at least she's safe now.

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