Why Are You Gone?

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Chris woke up early at 7:00 in the morning. He needed to grab some dust, so he put on his pants, jacket, face mask, shades, and his hat. Chris grabbed his wallet and decided that he needed more pants. Upon thinking about getting more clothing, the male decided that tennis shoes weren't going to cut it when fighting Grimm. He thought that combat boots would be more durable and would fit the ensemble better.

Chris grabbed his weapons and noticed that there was a package in his room. He decided to investigate the package and found nothing suspicious about it. Opening the package the male found quite a few Dust magazines. Of course, they were labeled. The lot of them added up to ten. Half of them were labeled with their respective symbol. The mags were fire, wind, ice, earth, and gravity Dust. The other half were labeled with a question mark. Chris looked at the top of each clip and saw that two of them were fire, one was gravity, one was ice, and the last one was wind.

Putting two and two together, Chris figured these mags were a surprise. Chris then decided that he needed to get a mag pouch for his holstering belt. After looking back in the box, Chris saw that there was a note underneath the mags. The note was written in fairly neat penmanship.


Since you gave me extra money, I decided to include some dust mags for ya. I hope you like them. The mystery mags are my most popular requests. There is also a pouch for holding your extra magazines. Thanks for the tip.


Chris grabbed the pouch and attached it to his holstering belt. Chris then grabbed all of the mags at once and just shoved them into the pouch.


Chris grabbed two random mags and put them into the guns without looking. The male didn't care what he had loaded into his new guns, but not knowing made it for fun in his opinion.

Chris left for the Rose and Xiao Long household for his first mission.

Upon arriving, he saw Summer start leaving the house, presumably to fetch him.

"Hey, I'm bright and early. When is the mission going to start?"

"Well, first, we have to go into the woods."

"Let me guess, extermination mission?"


The two walked in silence towards the forest that surrounds the small town of Patch. Once they reached the edge of the forest, the duo stopped, steeling themselves for what was to come.

"Let's go in."


The two entered the forest and were met with no Grimm. Summer decided to make some small talk to break the silence.

"So, what are your weapons called?"

"Pistols are Mustang and Sally. Blades are Sorrows and Wrath."


"That's not for now. We will have plenty of time to discuss it later."

They both continued in silence. Suddenly, they heard a rustling in the bushes. Out of the brush appeared a small beowolf. Chris and Summer looked at each other only for the woman to nod at the male.

With that nod, Chris pulled out his pistols and started shooting the Beowulf. Mustang, the left-handed one, shot only fire Dust bullets. Meanwhile, Sally, the other one, shot mystery. The first two shots of each gun were to determine the dust types of each. Killing the beowolf was just a bonus. Chris then remembered something and asked Summer a question.

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