I'm Making Up Titles

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The trio were stopped at a station to refuel their bikes when they received a call from Blake and Sun via Yang's scroll.

"Everyone! if you can hear me, we need back-"

"HEEEELLLLP! Big robot! And it's big! Really big! The Torchwick guy is in it. But not, like, it didn't eat him; he's, like, controlling it or something!"

"Where are you guys?"

They see a big robot zoom past them.


"I think that was them."

"No dip, dumbass. Let's go!"

"Got it, bro."

Chris mounted his bike and the other two on Bumblebee. They sped off toward the faunus that were entangled with the robot. Kas couldn't be seen anywhere, but Chris thought she had a plan.

Chris's group eventually caught up to the large robot known as a Paladin, and saw Sun moving atop cars to escape.

"We gotta slow it down!"

"Got it!"

Neptune reached for his gun, but Roman noticed and crashed into cars, flinging them at his pursuers.

"Hold on!"

Yang masterfully maneuvered the bike out of the way of the debris, but Chris wasn't so skilled. He was launched forward off his bike when it was hit by some rubble, causing him to soar in front of Roman.

"You dick! That was a fucking rental!"

Chris whipped out Mustang & Sally and started unloading every magazine he had on him into the robot. Roman was slowed down a little because of the different types of dust, but it wasn't by much.

Neptune jumped onto the Paladin and held on because of the spears that were his weapon. Roman was bucking the Paladin as much as he could, but it took him a little bit to get Neptune off his back. Chris heard a voice from the direction of Blake.

"Blake, I'm in position!"

The voice sounded like Weiss, so that meant it was almost time for the fight to actually start. Weiss was in the middle of the road, spreading ice across it, causing Roman to slip on it and fall over the concrete railing guarding the overpass. Ruby was already in the area that Roman would fall, her scythe out and ready to fight.

Everyone fell beside Ruby, with the exception of Chris, who fell behind Roman. He knew the robot had sensors, but he suspected they hadn't picked him up yet.

"Freezer burn!"

Weiss created an ice glyph that was then hit by Yang in the center, which caused a mist to cover the area that everyone was fighting in. Immediately, the Paladin used lasers to make up for its lost sight, but it barely saw the afterimage of Blake and narrowly missed Yang. Ruby then came right at Roman after firing a shot from her Crescent Rose, scythe opened and swinging at the large robot.


Blake and Weiss headed for the Paladin's feet, but Weiss jumped up and jabbed a sensor on the robot, angering Roman. He tried to stomp on Blake, but she was sent back by a white glyph Weiss created. Roman then started firing missiles at the girls, missing when they jump back. Weiss jumped too high and was shot at again by missiles, but Myrtenaster, her weapon, absorbed most of the blast, and she sent a yellow clockwork-like glyph to Blake. The faunus girl absorbs it and cuts each of the missiles that were coming at her before the reached her.


Ruby shot Crescent Rose to boost herself toward Roman and slashed at his robot's feet, as Blake ran toward the legs as well. The pair ran at them and performed slash attacks at the same time, circling the feet with each slash. They jumped up at the same time and sliced off the left arm entirely.

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