I'm Back!

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As Chris was walking through the town he had not been to for a long time, he noticed posters with his face on them. These were missing posters.

"I thought they would have given up by now."

The posters looked old, but newer than what Chris thought. He finally got home after a little bit of walking. It took him a few hours the last time, but this time it only took one.

"All that training paid off."

When Chris got to his house, the lights were still on. He saw his grandfather through the front window; he lived with his grandparents. He knocked on the door, raising confusion in the house. Chris took off his mask and put it in his jacket. He also pulled his jacket over his pistols, making sure they couldn't be seen.

His grandfather opened the door, seeing the sight of his long lost grandson.

"It's been awhile, huh?"

Larry, his grandfather, pulled him into a hug, glad he finally returned home. His grandmother came to the door, crying at the sight of her grandson being home. Chris was welcomed into his long forgotten home once more. When he got to his old room, he saw that everything was caked with dust.

"Why do you have those swords?"

Chris turned around to see his grandfather standing in the doorway.

"I needed them for where I was staying."

"Where were you staying?"

This was the trickiest question Chris had to answer in his life. He should have expected it, but how was he supposed to tell people that he was on another planet, possibly universe. Everyone would think he was a nut.

"I was staying in a place that had a lot of things trying to kill me."

That was putting it simply. He would have to wait for his plan to fall into place. Chris dusted his entire room, making sure everything was clean. After that, he went to bed and had the strangest dream.

In the dream, he was viewing the world from Summer's point of view. He, or rather Summer, was in Ozpin's office, telling the headmaster what happened on Salem's island.

"Oz, Chris saved me. We have to go back for him. He is still out there."

Ozpin, rather than responding, simply took out the letter Chris gave him. He read the letter aloud for Summer to hear.

"If you are reading this, I have succeeded in retrieving Summer. I want you to gather everyone in your little group that is near you."

Ozpin did as the letter told, and he called in everyone that was in Vale. After a few hours, Glynda, Tai, Qrow, and Ironwood were gathered in the office. Ozpin explained the situation and continued reading the letter.

"Everyone, I want you all to know that none of this is anybody's fault. I made my own choice to do this. I have made a deal with Salem..."

Everyone but Ozpin gasped at the news. They tried to start something, but Oz quickly shut it down.

"There's more."

"In order to safely return Summer, I decided that I would go back home. I gave Summer a little gift with my departure, but it could take a while for it to be ready. I might not be who I was when I return. You see, I am not from Remnant. I am from an entirely different place. In this place, time is either the same, slower, or...faster. Although I am gone, there is a way to bring me back. You must find all of the maidens. I know where two of them are, but I don't know anymore than that."

Ironwood shouted in anger.

"Did you tell him?!"

"No. Like he said, he's from a different place entirely. We don't know about anything on where he's from. If we are to get him back, we must get the other maidens."

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