When It Falls

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The next day, Chris woke up before Kas. It was almost noon when he woke up. How strange; he hardly woke up this late. Well, he went to Ozpin's office to try and come up with a course of action.

When he arrived at the top of the tower, Chris saw Ozpin sitting alone. Perfect.

"Sir, we need to plan a course of action. I believe that with our time we can form a plan that can most assuredly keep the course of events while having fewer casualties."

"Mr. Chris...Yang's already disqualified."

Chris froze up. Like a sort of response to danger. Fight, flight...or freeze. Chris started internally panicking. How could he not notice the days pass by? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Ozpin noticed Chris freezing and went over to him to try and keep him calm.

"Listen to me. You are not at fault. You had important matters on your hands. You couldn't control how things were happening. You cannot know the exact order of events that will happen."

Oz's weird encouragement was working...somehow. Chris started calming down, while simultaneously trying to formulate a plan. He then remembered the things he said the day prior.

"Pyrrha. Save."

He added another word, but it wasn't audible to Ozpin. He would have to be in the dark about what is going to happen.

"Oz, I have a plan. A rickety one, but a plan nonetheless. You need to follow everything to the letter. To the last second, if you can. I just need you to trust me in this. I can make sure that everything goes smoothly, but...I trust you to keep everything in order."

All Ozpin did was nod to Chris and the latter left the office. Chris went to check on his teammate to find her leaving the dorm. When she turned to him, he couldn't help but stare. Before now, he never really noticed how Kas looked.

The way her eyes pierced someone's soul. It gave Chris a chill down his spine, in a good way. Her complexion was that of porcelain, smooth and clear. The way her hair flowed with her movement was hypnotic. Before he knew it, there was a warm sensation on his lips.

Chris snapped out of his stupor and tried to kiss back, but realized that her lips had already left his. Chris noticed Kas smiling slightly.

"Good morning to you too. How did you sleep?"

"I slept great until you left. It got chilly soon after you did."

Chris gave Kas a hug to make up for leaving her. Then, for the first time, he gave her a small peck on the lips. It was weird for Chris to just show affection like that. He was never open with his emotions, but this was on another level.

The pair of them left for whatever food the cafeteria had. Chris couldn't get anything because he wasn't a student, technically. His guise of Nate was one of his worse ideas. It meant he couldn't show any affection in public. He doubted he would in the first place, but the different name and appearance further solidified the act of not doing it.

Chris waited until Kas ate her food and then let her tag along for his trip to Vale for some food. There was food at the festival, but who knows what could be in it? If he went to town, where nobody would be, he could get some food that most assuredly wasn't poisoned.

By the time Chris got back with Kas, it was almost time for the match between Pyrrha and Penny. Chris left Kas in the stadium, stating he needed to use the bathroom. Rather than that, Chris went to the top of Beacon Tower. When he got to the base of it, he made sure to close off all entrances that led to the roof, save one.

Chris thought of going to the top but ultimately decided to procrastinate the action. When he was finished with the entrances, he heard a maniacal voice ring through the entirety of the academy. Chris knew who the voice belonged to and wanted to kill the person very badly, but he couldn't. It would go against the entire timeline.

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