Stop It!

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After lunch, everyone went to Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck's History class. Chris was fast asleep as well as Juane. Oobleck was zipping around talking about the infamous Faunus War event.

"The Faunus War was fought between humans and Faunus. Faunus were fighting for equal rights while humans were just fighting. Has anyone here been discriminated against for being a Faunus?"

Slowly, and shakily, Velvet raised her hand in testament.

"See! It's ignorance like this that breeds violence. I mean, I mean, just look at the White Fang: a once peaceful organization turned bad because of all the discrimination. Now, does anyone know what was believed to be the turning point in this war."

Someone raised their hand.

"The battle at Fort Castle."

"Precisely, Miss Schnee. Now what was the advantage the Faunus had over the humans?"

There was a noise near the front of Cardin.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Arc. What was the advantage the Faunus had?"

Juane didn't know the answer at all.

"The advantage..."

He started looking around the room, hoping someone would help him out.

"the Faunus had was..."

Juane spotted Pyrrha with cupped hands hands, looking through them.


Juane was absolutely satisfied with his answer. However, nobody else was. Everyone was laughing.

"Wrong, Mr. Arc!"

This caused Cardin to laugh his ass off.

"Mr. Winchester! Do you know the answer?"

"I know it's easier to train an animal."

Pyrrha raised her hand.

"I have the answer, sir."

Oobleck saw Chris asleep next to Juane, missing the entire outburst.

"Actually, Miss Nikos, I think Blank should answer this question."

Without missing a beat, Chris spoke.

"Enhanced vision in the dark."

Everyone was a little surprised that he answered at all. A few of them, however, commented on it.

"Wrong, dumbass!"

Chris put his hand in the direction of the sound and flipped them off.

"In layman's terms, it's night vision."

Everyone was impressed except for Oobleck; he himself was curious. Blake stood up expanding upon Chris's answer.

"General Lagune was foolish enough to attack the Faunus soldiers in their sleep. If he had paid attention in school, maybe he wouldn't be known as such a failure."

Blake put emphasis on the last few syllables, looking directly at Cardin when doing so. Cardin was pissed off at the insinuation of what was said. The bell then rang, signaling everyone to go to their next destination. Pyrrha, Juane, Cardin, and Chris stayed behind. The guys were talking to the Professor with Pyrrha waiting for her leader.

"You trio have been struggling in my class since the first day. Be it stubbornness or just plain disinterest, but you have worked hard to get into this school. You proved you have the potential to be here; I just don't want to see it go to waste. You two are dismissed."

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