Off to Beacon, I Guess

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Chris's eyes finally adjusted to the surrounding area after the flash round went off. He saw a girl in a red cloak talking to, who he assumed to be, the owner of From Dust 'til Dawn. Chris got the thug off and dusted himself off. He then went to the store owner and started a conversation.

"Please don't tell me he took all of your dust."

"Don't worry, he didn't. Follow me."

Chris and Kas followed the man inside and the owner grabbed some dust vials from the back of the store.

"Thank you. How much does all of this cost?"

"I hope you understand, but the price would have to be 50% more."

Chris pulled out his wallet and gave the man whatever he thought would cover all of the dust. That total would happen to be around 550 lien.

"Thank you, sir."

The man was just gawking at how such a young person could purchase all of the dust he had. 

"Let us go Kas; we don't want to linger."

The pair went outside of the store and saw a blonde woman, wearing a purple dress, and a white top standing in front of them.


Chris yelled and the pair of them bolted in opposite directions. The woman, however, appeared to only be interested in Chris. Soon enough, the male got surrounded by a purple orb and he stopped moving.


Chris knew this woman and how her semblance worked as well. The woman that just captured him was named Glynda Goodwitch. Her semblance, more than likely, was simply telekinesis. He never really cared enough to figure out what is was exactly and how it worked technically. From what he remembers, she can only control the trajectory of objects within a certain area of each other. Chris swapped places and velocity with Kas.

Chris started running away from the situation, not bothering to look back.

'Don't turn around. Don't try to save her. Leave it be.'

Chris kept telling himself that Kas wasn't who they were after and that she would be released and ignored. However, he turned around after he jumped off a building in front of him as to keep his speed and save time. Chris then felt a heavy impact on his head.

"What the fuck?! You bitch!"

Chris fell down and felt dizzy. He realized that the Huntress hit him on the head with her telekinesis. Glynda, however, was surprised that Chris didn't get knocked out. That kind of impact would knock out any normal person, but, as stated previously, he isn't a normal person. Chris started running again toward Glynda and Kas, not noticing that he was bleeding a little bit. Glynda saw the bleeding and hit Chris on the head once more, weaker this time.

Chris started seeing black dots and got upset. That "upset" starting turning into anger. His anger started to keep him conscious, but then he felt and immense pain in his head, causing him to fall down. Before he could pass out Chris saw four blurry people standing in front of him. Glynda walked toward to Chris, intending to seize him. Before he passed out, he muttered something.

"Fucking hell."

Chris woke up once more, this time in the room of a building. Looking around, Chris knew exactly what type of room he was in: an interrogation room.


Chris muttered a profanity under his breath because he was simply tired. The door to the room opened and Glynda entered into the room, alongside a man wearing a black coat, green suit and button-up, and carrying a cane. Said man had silver or snow white hair, also sporting a pair of bifocals.

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