Pretty Birdie

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Chris was sitting next to a caped man in Crow Bar, the bar he had recently arrived in, and started doing shots.

"Bartender, give us shots."

"Of what?"


The bartender cautiously poured a small amount of liquor into a container, transferring it to a different one after finding out all of it wouldn't fit.

"This is the best I could do. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. This looks like it would be enough for one round."

The bartender poured another concoction of alcohol into a cup and gave it to the man next to Chris.

"Three, two, one."

As soon as Chris said one, the pair of them downed the "shots" with ease, ready for another.

"You two are crazy."

The bartender served them another glass each. Again, they downed their drinks easily, causing the bartender to be concerned.

"Last one. I don't want anyone getting hurt when you leave the bar."

The last round caused Chris to be finally drunk, as well as the man in the red cape. The TV showed the end of one of the rounds for the Vytal Festival.

"Now that was a match!"

"That was a mess."

The man in the red cape didn't seem impressed by the display of "skill" that the Huntsmen and Huntresses in training "honed."

"You didn't like the other matches either. What match are you here for, then?"

A ship flies past the window, causing Qrow to turn to it.

"That one. Come on, kid. Happy Vytal Festival!"

Chris followed the drunken man and left to wherever he was going, drunk off his ass himself. He somehow made it to the courtyard, the place that Qrow was heading for. He didn't pay much attention, but he knew that a fight happened between Qrow and Winter, Weiss's older sister.

"You go!"

Chris was shouting words of encouragement. To which side? That he did not know. All he knew was he started moving to the fight.

"That looks like fun. Mind if I join in?"

Chris pulled out Mustang and Wrath, noticing that they were missing and that he couldn't do so.


He remembered that he was supposed to be undercover. Suddenly, Chris saw a bird go off to the Forever Fall Forest. He went after it, intrigued that a bird would be near Beacon rather than in the wild.

"Wait up, birdie!"

Chris called out to the bird, causing it to turn its head to the noise and perch itself upon a branch. It then cocked its head to the side and looked at Chris, observing the drunk person.

"Come here, birdie. I have some food."

Chris pulled out a sandwich he had kept in his pocket from lunch, too full to eat it at the time, intending to save it for later. The bird perched itself on the male's shoulder when he sat down on a stump. He pulled some of the bread off and gave it to the bird. The bird, upon closer inspection, was a raven.

"Don't be shy."

Chris held out his hand for the bird to rest itself on. He then started stroking and petting it, grabbing its neck suddenly and preventing it from fleeing after a few moments. The raven was frantically trying to fly away, but it had no such luck.

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