Where Am I?

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White. That's all Chris could see for a while. No matter where he looked, he would see white. After a while, though, he saw pitch black. The only reason for so was because he got tired of the white. Chris didn't know where he was or what he was doing there. Soon enough, he stopped trying to figure out what was going on.

After what felt like years, Chris opened his eyes. I mean...really opened his eyes. All he saw was black. The kind of black that came from the absence of light. Suddenly, there was a blinding pain throughout his body. There was a crushing feeling on him. Chris tried to move his limbs but found that there was something on them.

Realizing even further that his entire body had an immense pressure on it caused extreme annoyance, anger, pain, and so on.

"I wish this stuff would just break apart and get off."

Then, without hesitation or much notice, everything that was laying on Chris broke apart and fell off. Chris saw that the, now known, rubble was split in half and fell on either side of his body parts. Once he stood up, Chris looked around and saw the destruction that occurred from some time ago.

"What happened here?"

Chris looked around the area to see if anybody was alive or if there was anything that could tell him what exactly occurred. Once there was nothing uncovered, Chris noticed the swords on his back and the pistols at his hip.


The exasperation was clear on his face. Then, having an epiphany, Chris pulled out his wallet. He saw his Beacon ID and looked it over.

"What's a Huntsman-in-training?"

Everyone was devastated when they saw the body fall from the top of Beacon Tower. Not many knew who it was, but those that did...they couldn't even snap out of their shock fast enough to save it from slamming into the ground. Before anyone could do anything more, there was a blinding silver light. After it, Ruby was knocked out cold.

Nobody knew what happened while the silver light blared through the academy grounds, but they saw the effects of it. All of the Grimm in the area...were destroyed. The only remaining one was the giant wyvern that was perched on the tower. Before anybody could rush to the fallen body, more Grimm started showing up.

Everyone evacuated the academy and fled to Vale. Once there, everyone went back to their respective homes. They were upset and scared of what would happen if they stayed in the area. Blake went back to Menagerie, Yang and Ruby went back home with Summer to Tai, and Weiss was on the first bullhead to Atlas. Kas...well...she didn't have anywhere to go. The only home she had, as of recent, was Beacon.

There was one place she could go, but she never wanted to return there. One day, while she was sitting in the streets, she saw Summer and tried to leave the area immediately. When she thought she was "safe", she saw Summer approach from behind.

"What are you doing out here?"

Kas didn't have much to respond with.

"I don't have a home anymore. I can't go back to where I was before, but..."

Kas trailed off, leaving Summer to fill in the blank.

"Don't worry. You can stay with us. Any friend of his is family to us."

Kas tried to refuse, but it was futile. Summer wouldn't take "no" as an answer. She led Kas back to her home on patch. It was a humble abode, Kas would say. On the inside was another story.

Inside of the house was a large living room, a staircase, a moderately-sized kitchen, and a fair dining room. Summer announced her return to the others living in the home, causing two of them to come out of hiding. Tai and Ruby greeted their wife and mother respectively, and they saw Kas standing there.

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