New Companion!

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Chris arrived in Atlas a few hours after he set off for it. Once the bullhead landed, the male grabbed his suitcase and left to find somewhere to stay.

Chris found a small inn on the outskirts of the main city of Atlas. The teen didn't know what city he was in, so he didn't know what to call it. Chris paid for a room one month in advance. Once done with that, the male left for his room and let Nat out of the suitcase.

"I'm going to explore the town we're in to know our surroundings better."

Thanatos gave a nod of affirmation and Chris left, making sure to put the do not disturb sign on the door. Reaching outside the inn, the male saw that there was a charity event going on. Chris had an assumption, but looked anyway. Inspecting the poster, the teen saw that his assumption was correct. The event was an opera hosted by none other than the Schnees. The aforementioned family were both famous and infamous for their dust company.

Eventually, the male made his way to the town square. Chris spent the rest of the day memorizing the pathways to, from, and in between the town square and the edge of town. Once he knew had the paths memorized, he found himself some distance away from the inn. The male walked back to the inn using a fairly hasty pathway.

Chris took the first left he had, and took the fifth right after that. Seven streets later, he turned into an alleyway. Chris took the fourth turn on the right and ended up behind the inn he was staying at. Checking the time, the male took until 8:30 to memorize the paths.

Chris entered the inn and went to his room. The teen then opened the window and turned to Thanatos.

"Same rules as Argos, buddy."

Thanatos nodded and leapt through the window and ran off. Chris turned to the bed and flopped down.

"That was a lot of walking."

Chris fell asleep fairly quickly. Due to his stay in Menagerie, the male had to learn to fall asleep quickly to be able to wake up in time to search for Summer as well as get enough rest for the following day.

Chris woke up to find that it was 10:00 and decided that he desperately needed to get out of bed. It was the first day of his search in Atlas. Chris was honestly starting to lose hope of either catching up to Summer or finding her in time. Chris wasn't a pessimist by any means, nor was he an optimist. He preferred to be called a realist because that's exactly how he thought he was. His paranoia also caused him to seem like a pessimist.

Another day of nothing. Chris decided to go to the charity event to take his mind off of how...expected the search for Summer is going. The charity event would be the following day at noon, making it possible for Chris to sleep in. The male has been losing sleep looking for Summer despite his new sleep cycle due to the fact that he kept waking up in the middle of the night.

He tried reasoning with himself that it was expected to find no clues. She was a professional Huntress and knew how to hide herself, but no matter what he told himself, he couldn't help getting frustrated. Chris decided just to get some sleep while he can.

Chris was finally waking up. Checking the time, it read a quarter after noon. Chris then decided that he should leave soon to get a good seat for the event. Making sure everything needed was grabbed, the teen went out of his room and out the inn. Chris went in and out of the alleys and shortcuts reaching the center of the town. The male heard a commotion and saw a group of people at the base of a building.

Reaching the base, Chris looked up and saw someone at the top of said building, standing on the edge. The male ran for the front door only to find it locked. Chris rammed the door a few time to get it open.

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