A New Family

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Once Chris left his room, he found that Ghira was no longer in the hall. In fact, the house seemed deserted. Chris left in the direction of what he assumed to be the main hall. Chris soon heard voices behind a large pair of doors. Being polite, Chris knocked upon the door and awaited a response.

"Come in!"

The voice belonged to Ghira. Chris entered the room and saw two others with Ghira.

"Dad, who is he?"

The first to speak was a girl roughly Chris's age. She had black hair and amber eyes. Atop her head were a pair of cat ears. Chris shied away from her, which earned some confusion from all of them.

"What's wrong?"

The next to speak was a woman also with black hair and amber eyes, as well as cat ears sitting atop her head. Chris regained his composure and responded.

"I apologize. I am very intrigued by faunus traits. I turn away as to not get over excited."

The others relaxed knowing that nothing was wrong with Chris.

"My name is Chris. It's a pleasure to meet you both. Am I correct to assume that you both are his family?"

"Yes we are. My name is Blake Belladonna and this is my mother."

"My name is Kali Belladonna."

The trio got to know each other, but they eventually asked a question that Chris dreaded.

"Why are you wearing the mask?"

"I have a lot of reasons for wearing this mask, but the main one is that I need to remain anonymous. No matter what anyone says I will never take it off."

"I'm sorry for asking."

"Don't worry Miss Belladonna. I knew the question would come up eventually. I am prepared to answer it each and every time."

Chris pulled out his watch and saw that it was late. Weighing his options, Chris made his decision.

"It appears to have gotten late. I thank you for the housing you have provided me. I will retire to my room now. I hope you all have a wonderful rest."

Chris bowed and left for his room. Opening his room door he saw that Thanatos was sitting on his bed waiting for his return.

"Hey, buddy. Do you want to go outside?"

Thanatos excitedly wagged his tail in response to the question Chris asked. Chris went to the window and motioned Thanatos over.

"When you go out, I want you to ignore everyone's emotions. I want you to return by the time the moon is at its peak. Is that okay, boy?"

Thanatos nodded his head and left through the open window. Chris got changed and lied on his bed.

"Day one of the search starts tomorrow. I just hope I can find her."

The next day Chris searched the farthest parts of the island, the parts that are away from the main inhabitants. The island of Menagerie consisted mostly of desert and other inhabitable climates.

It took Chris less time than he thought it would take. Searching the entirety of the inhabitable areas took nearly two weeks. Chris started to search the main area of the island soon. Trouble was brewing and there was nothing that could be done about it.

The day after Chris finished the search of the deserted parts of Menagerie, the male needed to go to the market to get food for Thanatos. Thanatos was a somewhat picky eater; he only ate raw meat. Having bought the meat, Chris felt as though something would go wrong. Having always trusted his senses, he hastily made his way back to the Belladonna household.

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