I'm So Tired

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After he got ready, Nat woke up, surprising Chris. The male thought "fuck it" and brought Nat along with him to Glynda's class. The hallway was clear, much to Chris's expectations. Arriving at Goodwitch's classroom was less exciting than what the male thought it would be.


Glynda looked up to see Chris and Thanatos walking down the steps. She knew why Chris was here; it was almost seven. Glynda stepped onto the stage where the pair of them would be working on Chris's semblance.

"Good morning, ma'am. I hope you had a good night's sleep."

"I did, thank you. How about you? How was your sleep?"

"I got enough, ma'am."

Glynda noticed the dark, dark bags under Chris's eyes, but she didn't refute.

"Today we will start with small items. After we learn the basics, we will move on to larger objects. Understand?"

Chris nodded, still waking up. He went over to a box on the floor that had what looked like puzzle pieces. These were different from puzzle pieces, though because these objects didn't have any interlocking pieces.

"I am supposed to..."

Glynda was letting Chris figure this out in his own time.

"...make a picture."

"Correct. You should be done by the end of our lesson. If you are not, you will have to have more difficult lessons."

"Got it."

Chris took his time analyzing his puzzle pieces, trying to solve the places that they go in. The boy was normally good at puzzles, but this was extremely difficult because of the lack of the interlocking pieces.

"This is so damn frustrating!"

His outburst startled Glynda, who had moved to her desk waiting for Chris to finish the puzzle. A few moments later, a timer went off.

"What is that for?"

"That is the timer for our lesson."

Chris started yelling and banging his hands on the stage.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!"

Thanatos knocked into Chris, causing him to break out of his outrage. The male saw that his hands were a little bloody and that some of it got on the pieces. Chris hastily wiped off the blood as to not have it stain the pieces and he could still solve the puzzle.

"Professor, I think I will be going to the headmaster's office for a while."

"You have a field trip today. You need to go with us."

Chris felt Nat slide against his thigh.

"What if Thanatos goes in my place?"

"If he is capable of performing all of the duties you are supposed to, he can go in your stead."

Chris knelt down next to Nat and started rubbing his fur.

"You okay with going on a trip, buddy. You get to meet new people and you get to play with Yang and Ruby."

Thanatos wagged his tail and was getting excited.

"You see him, Professor. I will be going to the headmaster's office with the puzzle. Make sure Nat doesn't eat all of my syrup."

Before Glynda could get in a word of protest, Chris already left the room.

"I guess it's just you and me now."

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