Guinevere Kinghart

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I was speed walking down the hallway hoping to make it to my bedroom quickly so I could talk to Merlin who was waiting for me. I turned down the hallway to my bedroom seeing Merlin standing there with a firm stance as I closed the gap between us.

"Guinevere my's about time. I hoped Harry informed you of our little plan." Merlin began I opened my bedroom door then let him in so no one can overhear our conversation.

"Yes he did. Thank you so much Merlin, I hope I don't let you down." I smiled watching him give me a small smile as he adjusted the glasses on his nose with his hand.

"I hope not I am here to give you the first step before the others arrive. I know that you know all of the trials by heart but I need to do put a twist." Merlin started cocking my head to the side confused for a moment.

"What do you mean?" I asked watching him take a step forward handing me a small pouch which I took it opening it to see a bottle of pills in front of me. It said Xyrem as I lift my green eyes to Merlin. "Why are you giving me GHB?"

"Because I want you to take them before you go to sleep tonight." He answered I was a bit taken back by this and started to wonder if Merlin was sitting by his tablet too long and was losing his mind.

"You do realize that this paralyzes the person who takes it right? If you are planning on flooding the room and I am paralyzed you realize I might drown?" I explained watching Merlin give me a small smile to tell me he already knew this.

"I'm well aware and that is the point. I need you to drown in this trial that way we can find the candidate willing to save you. If no one steps up then I will resuscitate you and it will prove that none of the candidates are worthy for Lancelot." Merlin explained I was completely shocked that Merlin wanted me to literally die to make this point.

"So you want me to die in order to find a true candidate or candidates? Brilliant...that's gonna suck. Anything else?" I answered tossing the back onto my bed before turning to look at him again seeing that he wasn't done.

"That's not all...I also want you to get close to the candidates you think might be worthy after the first trial. After the first trial I will have you brought to the medical ward to reverse the effects of the GHB and I will give you the next step of the plan...alright?" He explained I nodded sighing a small bit with my nerves being a bit wrecked.

"How are we going to do this with my grandfather?" I wondered seeing him smile taking a step towards me so only I could hear him.

"I already informed him that you are helping with the program which wasn't a lie but that is the extent that he knows for now." Merlin exclaimed I nodded watching him flip his tablet that he had to see the alert that notified him. His fingers tapped hard onto the screen, his gaze read the alert and then he headed towards my door. "The candidates will be arriving shortly...get packing and finish up with your undercover identity. Did you pick a name?"

"Yeah Gwendolyn Kinghart...or just Gwen." I smiled seeing him nod tapping it onto the tablet before opening my bedroom door and left without another word. I took in a deep breath and began packing my belongings that I needed for the mission. One big suitcase was all I needed and I couldn't wait to do this. I finished packing wheeling it out of my bedroom heading down the hallway and headed to the meeting point. Merlin was standing near the entrance of the recruit's room as he looked at me. "Hello sir...Gwendolyn Kinghart at your service."

"Hello Miss. Kinghart. Welcome to Kingsman. Please join the other recruits." He answered, giving me a small wink as I nodded moving into the room where I saw the other recruits forming. They looked at me; whispered to one another before I just rolled my eyes moving to the empty bed near the end of the room. As I was unpacking a young woman brown moved up to me with a smile on her face.

"Hi...I'm Roxanne Morton but call me Roxy." She smiled, holding out her hand as I returned it with one of my own and took her hand with mine.

"Hi...I'm Gwendolyn Kinghart but call me Gwen." I answered shaking her head then the door opened again as we both turned to look. A young man with light brown hair tucked under a cap entered the room. His blue eyes locked onto me giving me a small smile before he headed down taking ownership of the bed next to me. "Hi I'm Gwen...that's Roxy."

"Eggsy Unwin." He smiled when I heard the last name I did get tense because I remembered Uncle Harry telling me about an agent named Unwin dying to save him during a mission a long time ago. I then realized that this would be a bit harder than I thought it would be.

 I then realized that this would be a bit harder than I thought it would be

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~~Look at our sassy baby lol, Eggsy has entered the story. And what the hell Merlin? GHB? Smh I guess we will see what happens next Friday.~~

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